samedi 19 octobre 2013

Cinema’s Casanova Fellini at Pera film days


Fellini will be commemorated on the 20th anniversary of his death at Pera.anbul
Fellini will be commemorated on the 20th anniversary of his death at Pera.
Pera Film continues its “Masters of Cinema” series with “Cinema’s Casanova: Fellini,” showing a series of films directed by one of Italy’s great modern directors, Federico Fellini. In collaboration with the Italian Institute of Culture in Istanbul and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pera Film is presenting nine Fellini films commemorating the 20 years since his death.

Larger-than-life maestro

Fellini was a larger-than-life maestro who created an inimitable cinematic style combining surreal carnival with incisive social critique. In his early career, he was both a screenwriter for neorealist pioneer Roberto Rossellini and a newspaper caricaturist in postwar Rome, competing influences he would bring together with startling results. After such early works as “I Vitelloni,” Fellini broke away from neorealism’s political strictures with the beloved “La Strada,” and from there boldly explored his obsessions with the circus, societal decadence, spiritual redemption, and, most controversially, women, in such films as “Nights of Cabiria,” “Giulietta of the Spirits,” and “And the Ship Sails On.” Screenings at the Pera Museum will continue until Nov. 3, and can be seen with a discounted museum ticket of 5 Turkish Liras.    

vendredi 18 octobre 2013

la vie de Yunus EMRE portée à l'écran....

Life of Turkish Sufi Yunus Emre adapted to screen

ANKARA - Anadolu Agency

Turkish Sufi and poet Yunus Emre’s life is being adapted to the silver screen by director Kürşat Kızbaz, who previously made a film about Rumi that received big interest around the world. The film will be released in January 2014 with the title ‘Yunus Emre - the Sound of Love’

The film on the life of Yunus Emre is being shot in 15 different Turkish cities to show the richness of the Anatolian land.
The film on the life of Yunus Emre is being shot in 15 different Turkish cities to show the richness of the Anatolian land.
A new film will focus on the life of Turkish poet and Sufi Yunus Emre, who made a great contribution to the formation of culture and civilization in Anatolia. The film titled “Yunus Emre – Aşkın Sesi” (Yunus Emre – the Sound of Love) tells of Yunus Emre’s adventure in pursuit of “love.”

Speaking to Anatolia Agency, director of the film Kürşat Kızbaz said that he previously shot the film “Mevlana - Aşkın Dansı” (Rumi – The Dance of Love) and it was screened in 65 countries.

He said this time he was working on a film reflecting the love and peace philosophy of the intellectual Yunus Emre, adding that the preparation and shooting process of the film took more than three years.

Kızbaz said that the film was set to be released in the first month of 2014, adding, “This special project brings together many renowned names. Yunus Emre is played by Devrim Erin, the star of the highest-budget movie of the Turkish cinema history, ‘Fetih 1453’. A very special and experienced team of actors collaborated with him in the film. We will present the unique story of Yunus Emre to audiences on Jan. 10.”

Artists including Burak Sergen, Altan Erkekli, Altan Gördüm, Ahmet Mekin, Bülent Emin Yarar, Sinan Albayrak, Suna Selen, Nesimi Kaygusuz, Tamer Levent and Nilay Cafer are taking on roles in the film, said Kızbaz. “These names will appear as historical characters like Rumi, Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli, Tapduk Emre etc.”

War scenes shot in Van 

Kızbaz said they had set up a big place in the eastern province of Van for the Mongol war scenes, and added, “At the same time, we wanted to show all the colors and richness of Anatolia by shooting the film in 15 cities over four seasons.

“While depicting the life of Yunus Emre, who had an impact on the life of millions of people with his love, tolerance and peace philosophy, we received support from many institutions, including the Culture and Tourism Ministry.”

Noting that making such a film carried big responsibilities, Kızbaz said he was the director, producer and scriptwriter of the film and had undertaken a big responsibility in showing such a significant character to millions.

Since they knew the difficulties of reflecting the life of such a mystic character on the cinema screen, they had worked on the script and shooting preparations for more than two years, according to Kızbaz. He said they received invitations from many countries from India to the United States.

The film was shot in Kartepe, Nallıhan, Erciyes, Cappadocia and Hacıbektaş, said Kızbaz, adding that people living in those regions showed them great interest.


Yunus Emre, who lived between around 1240 and 1321, has an immense influence on Turkish literature, from his own day until the present. Because he is one of the first known poets to have composed works in the spoken Turkish of his own age and region rather than in Persian or Arabic, his diction remains very close to the popular speech of his contemporaries in Central and Western Anatolia. This is also the language of a number of anonymous folk-poets, folk-songs, fairy tales, riddles and proverbs. He remains a popular figure in a number of countries from Azerbaijan to the Balkans with seven different and widely dispersed localities disputing the privilege of having his tomb within their boundaries.


FriFreize Art Faireze Art Fair gets smaller, but big players still hopeful for art

LONDON - Reuters

Started yesterday, the world’s largest art fair, Freize Art Fair, combines works by household names and those from lesser known artists in a giant whitemarquee in London’s Regent’s Park until Oct 20

The Frieze Art Fair got smaller in 2013, but industry insiders said that would make it no less important for international players who flock to London every October to see cutting-edge contemporary works.

The world’s largest art fair combines works by household names and those from lesser known artists in a giant white marquee in Regent’s Park. This year it features 152 galleries and runs from October 17-20.

Five works from leading American pop artist Jeff Koons displayed at the Gagosian Gallery, each likely to carry an estimate in the tens of millions of dollars, are only steps away from Finnish newcomer Pilvi Takala’s “Drive With Care” video installation priced at around $11,000.

“For me it’s important to get the really young emerging artists spot on and bring through really great younger galleries as well as encouraging the really established ...experienced galleries,” Frieze co-founder Amanda Sharp told Reuters on Wednesday at the fair’s bustling VIP preview.

Sharp, who co-founded the fair with fellow director Matthew Slotover 11 years ago, said that after last year’s expansion into New York and the introduction of a concurrent Frieze Masters in London, they decided to cut the numbers.

“There are about 20-25 less galleries this year,” she said.

Largest abnd best known fair

Frieze is still the largest and best known of a growing number of similar events that have launched in the city on the back of its success. It consolidated its position last year with the launch of Frieze Masters, a concurrent fair for historical art only a short walk away, which has 130 exhibitors.

Leading figures in contemporary art said fierce competition, and a smaller Frieze, have not diluted its key role for gallerists, artists and heads of the art world’s major institutions looking to sell, buy and promote their work. Strolling through a crowd of glossy-haired women in expensive outfits, shipping tycoons and wealthy family scions was Nicholas Serota, director of Britain’s Tate galleries and one of the art world’s most powerful figures. He told Reuters that Frieze, combined with its old masters offshoot, provided an unrivalled spotlight on the art market. “Many of the galleries show some of their best work and it’s an opportunity to see some things you don’t know about.” At the center of Frieze London sits the Gagosian, showing only works from Koons, of which his Blue/Magenta attracts attention.


Ankara CerModern, Edward Munch'un doğumunun 150'nci yılını Munch ve Warhol'u biraraya getiren özel bir sergiyle kutluyor. (radikal gazetesi)

Warhol ve Munch Ankara'da
Sergide Munch'un eserleri, onlara Warhol tarafından getirilen yorumlarla beraber sunuluyor.

Ankara CerModern Galerisi 20'nci yüzyılın iki büyük ismini, Edward Munch ve Andy Warhol'u ağırlamaya hazırlanıyor. Norveç Büyükelçiliği'yle ortaklaşa düzenlenen sergi, bu iki ismin baskıları üzerinden birbirleriyle benzerliklerini ortaya çıkartmayı amaçlıyor. Serginin küratörleri Patricia G. Berman ve Pari Stave. 30 eserin yer aldığı sergide Munch'un yüzyıl başında ürettiği taş baskılar 'Çığlık', 'Broş', ' Madonna ' 'İskelet Kollu Eva Mudocci' adındaki dört motifin yakından incelenmesi ve 1984'te Warhol'un ünlü 'Fabrika'sında yaratılan serilerinin yeniden formülasyonu sunuluyor. Munch'un doğumunun 150'nci yılı anısına gerçekleştirilen sergi 6 Kasım - 3 Ocak arasında görülebilir. 

La fête du sacrifice à travers le monde


  Certains pays ont célébré la fête du sacrifice un jour après la Turquie.
Le rassemblement de différentes cultures a permis d’annoncer au monde entier le message unificateur de l’Islam.
Les mosquées, les salles de prière voir même les salles de sport étaient toutes saturées.
Au Sénégal et au Maroc la fête du sacrifice a été célébrée un jour après la Turquie.
Les couturiers ont du travailler jusqu’à tard le soir pour coudre les vêtements traditionnels sénégalais.
Au Maroc, la population a afflué dans les mosquées pour la prière de la fête dès l’aube.
Au Kenya, pays qui englobe des communautés de diverses confessions, certains musulmans ont célébré la fête le même jour que la Turquie et d’autres le lendemain. Au second jour de la fête, 5 000 personnes ont pris part à la prière de la fête.
La Nouvelle-Zélande abrite environ 50 000 musulmans. 10 000 d’entre eux vivent à Auckland, où la communauté s’est rassemblée autour du festival de la fête du sacrifice.
Du côté des Etats-Unis, la fête a aussi été célébrée. A Boston, les milliers de musulmans n’ont pas tous réussi à entrer dans les salles de sport prévues pour la prière. A Dayton, les Turcs Meskhètes se sont rassemblés à l’occasion de la fête.
En Thrace occidentale et à Pristina, la capitale du Kosovo, la joie de la fête s’est fait ressentir dans l’atmosphère. A Pristina, il n’y avait pas assez de place pour tous les fidèles arrivés à la mosquée Fatih Sultan Mehmed, héritée de l’empire Ottoman.
Au Portugal, les musulmans qui n’ont pas réussi à trouver d’emplacement pour procéder au sacrifice d’animaux se sont finalement rendus dans les fermes pour y faire le sacrifice. 

Hollywood'a Türk besteci

Macaristan'da yaşayan Türk besteci Fatih Issı, müzik serüvenini anlattı.

yazıyı büyüt yazıyı küçült
Hollywooda Türk besteci
Türk besteci Fatih Issı, evinin kapılarını TRT Haber'e açtı. Klasik müziği, özellikle de Batı müziğini çok seven Fatih Issı İstanbul Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuarı'nda okudu. Issı, bugün çalışmalarını Budapeşte'de Liszt Akademisi'nde sürdürüyor.
2009´da Macaristan´a gelen Fatih Issı, yalnız olduğu için sürekli film izleğini ve "ben neden film müziği yapmıyorum" diye düşünmesinin ardından bir anda film müziği yapmaya başladığını belirtti.
Issı, üniversitede kısa filmlere müzik yapar ve yaptığı müzikleri, internete koyar. Sonrasında gelen bir elektronik postayla, hayatının değiştiğini söyleyen müzisyen; "Amerikalı bir yönetmen bana mail attı. Ben ilk önce bunun bir reklam veya şaka olduğunu düşündüm. Şok olmuştum. Filmlerinde benimle çalışmak istediğini söyledi. Ben de kabul ettim bunu. Bir anda Fatih film bestecisi olmaya karar verdi" diyor.
Şimdilerde Fatih Issı 5 ay sonra vizyona girecek The Trail filminin müziklerini yapıyor. Türk müzisyen, Amerika'nın tanınmış spor ve belgesel kanallarına müzikler yapmaya devam ediyor.

Les petites sœurs de Sainte-Sophie

Sainte-Sophie, connue dans le monde entier pour être l'un des plus importants monuments d'Istanbul est loin d'être unique et a même inspiré la construction d'autres églises qui, jusque dans les Balkans, portent s...

Un amphithéâtre romain découvert à Hatay

Les ruines d’un ancien amphithéâtre romain ont été découvertes lors de fouilles effectuées dans la ville antique d’Isos dans le sud de la Turquie, selon une information rapportée vendredi par l’...

jeudi 17 octobre 2013

le petit journal d'İstanbul

des nouvelles de la Turquie ? le sıte du petit journal à consulter

Quand les mères de sultans édifiaient des mosquées à Istanbul

Sous l'Empire ottoman, ce ne sont pas tant les sultans qui possédaient le pouvoir que leurs mères, les vâlidé sultân («sultane mère», ou «reine mère»). Ces femmes ont en effet ordonné........
lıre la suite sur: 

The Ottoman road to war

William Armstrong -

'The Ottoman Road to War in 1914: TheOttoman Empire and the First World War,’ by Mustafa Aksakal (Cambridge University Press, 2011, $40, pp 234

With the centenary of the First World War on the doorstep, get ready for a deluge from publishers on the subject. The exact causes of the war and its alliances are still contested by historians, and there is still no consensus as to the Ottoman Empire’s exact motivations, or its entry and alliance with Germany. One resilient view has held that the alliance came in spite of a generally reluctant empire, resulting from the personal will of War Minister Enver Pasha, a hawk with impractical imperial delusions and dazzled by Prussian military clout. This book by scholar Mustafa Aksakal argues strongly against this hypothesis, suggesting instead that there was a general consensus among the Ottoman elite in the years leading up to 1914 that an alliance with Germany and a cautious engagement in the war was the best way for the empire to maintain its security and independence. Aksakal argues that joining the Central Powers was “the only decision [the Ottomans] believed could save the empire from partition and foreign rule.”

The book opens with a meaty section describing the psychological and intellectual climate of the empire in the period leading up to 1914. It explains how the gloomy Weltanschauung of the age was deeply shaped by the empire’s humiliating military and financial decline, emasculating territorial losses in the Balkans, and the realization that its survival had effectively depended on the Great Powers’ reluctance to upset the status quo for almost a century. The militarism prevalent among so much of the Ottoman elite at the time should be understood in this context, with many believing that military reform could be the only instigator of national renewal, and war – in one form or another – increasingly coming to be seen as inevitable, even desirable. Aksakal quotes a revealing passage from a geography textbook published in 1913:

“In 1912 the Balkan states formed an alliance against Turkey. After fierce battles, Turkey lost all of Rumelia … Much innocent Muslim and Turkish blood was shed during this period. Women and children, indiscriminately, were cut up and butchered. Villages were burnt and razed. Now, in Rumeli, under every rock and beneath the soil lie thousands of dismembered bodies, with eyes gouged out and stomachs slit … It is our children’s and grandchildren’s national duty to right this wrong, and to prepare for taking revenge for the pure and innocent blood that has flowed like waterfalls.”

As Aksakal writes, “A mix of pride, sense of violation, and revenge imbued the Ottoman intellectual climate on the eve of the First World War … By July 1914, bellicose notions of revenge, retribution, and recovery had become embedded in Ottoman identity.” A considerable tendency within the empire’s elite viewed its entry into the war as a historic opportunity for Ottoman liberation and self-assertion.

The majority of the book is taken up with details of the Byzantine diplomatic dance between the Ottomans and the various European powers in the years leading up to war, as alliances and agreements were floated, tested, and dropped. Such exhaustive primary source study is an impressive feat of endurance on the part of the author, but unfortunately demands a different kind of endurance from the non-specialist reader. Still, one thing that the months of pre-war prevarication do make clear is that the decision to enter on the side of the Germans could not simply have been the reckless personal whim of Enver Pasha. With most Ottoman decision makers intellectually and emotionally prepared for war and with economic, military and diplomatic relations between the Ottomans and the Germans so deep-rooted, perhaps the most puzzling aspect is why the negotiations dragged on for as long as they did.

In the end, however, the eventual Ottoman-German alliance was not one between equals. While Germany – unlike the other European powers - was not in favor of partitioning Ottoman territory, Aksakal suggests that its vision probably “would not have preserved Ottoman autonomy any more than the territorial acquisitions sought by the Entente Powers.” Had the German-Ottoman alliance ultimately defeated the Entente powers in the war, the bulk of the Ottoman Empire would probably have ended up as something like a German protectorate, Berlin’s long-sought “piece in the Middle East.”

Ultimately, the Central Powers’ defeat had long and far-reaching consequences. For the Ottomans, faced with direct partition between the victors, the stage was now set for the eventually victorious Turkish War of Liberation. It may have transpired in a way that few pre-WWI Ottoman observers would have foreseen, but many were proved right in the end: Turkish liberation was ultimately only secured by full-scale militarization and war.

Concours de dessin animé Doğan Aydın pour célébrer le 30e anniversaire

ISTANBUL - Doğan Nouvelles Agence

Le concours de dessin animé Aydın Doğan internationale fêtera ses 30 ans lors d'un événement spécial qui se tiendra le 24 octobre à Istanbul, en présence de grands noms du monde des dessins animés. Une exposition intitulée «Dessins Parler de la 30e année» affichera les trois premiers gagnants du concours

Les membres du comité sélectifs de la Aydın Doğan Concours de dessin animé internationale 2013 posent ensemble.  Ils wil assister à l'événement spécial à orgenized pour célébrer la 30e année du concours.
Les membres du comité sélectifs de la Aydın Doğan Concours de dessin animé internationale 2013 posent ensemble. Ils wil assister à l'événement spécial à orgenized pour célébrer la 30e année du concours.
Le concours de dessin animé 30 Aydın Doğan International organise une soirée de gala le 24 octobre et accueillera de grands noms du monde des dessins animés en provenance de Turquie et supervise. L'événement de célébration se tiendra au Hilton Convention Center d'Istanbul, où les lauréats de cette année seront présentés et une section spéciale sera exposer des œuvres de toute l'histoire du concours. britannique renommé dessinateur Ralph Steadman, dont la vie a été représenté l'année dernière dans le documentaire «sans raison valable», sera à Istanbul pour l'événement spécial. Steadman, qui a été un membre à six reprises au sein du Comité sélective du concours de dessin animé Doğan Aydın, est le créateur du style "Gonzo Journalism" avec Hunter Thompson. Il réalise des dessins animés pour de nombreuses publications internationales de renom tels que The New Yorker, The Stone indépendant et roulant. Un autre nom qui viendra à Istanbul pour la cérémonie sera la Fédération des organisations de dessins animés (FECO) Président Peter Nieuwendijk. Il prononcera un discours intitulé «Inspirer les inspirateurs" dans la nuit. gagnants de 2013 pour être affichées à CKML'événement annuel est organisé par la Fondation Aydın Doğan et a reçu à ce jour 7.800 dessinateurs de 137 pays avec près de 80.000 œuvres depuis 1983. Le concours a jusqu'ici accueilli 130 dessinateurs de 41 pays que les membres du comité sélectifs au fil des ans. Le jury international du concours a jusqu'ici récompensé un total de 99 œuvres comme les trois premiers gagnants parmi près de 80.000 observations de 7.800 artistes. Quelques 393 œuvres ont également reçu les prix de «réussite spéciales». Une exposition à l'événement intitulé «Parler Dessins de la 30e année» affichera les trois premiers lauréats du concours depuis 1983. Après son ouverture dans la soirée de gala, l'exposition sera ouverte aux visiteurs à la Caddebostan Centre culturel entre le 25 octobre et le 15 novembre et mettra également en vedette les dessins gagnants du concours 30. Le comité de sélection de cette année, dirigé par le tchèque dessinateur Adolf Born, est constitué de nombreuses personnalités du monde des dessins animés: Ercan Akyol, Latif Demirci, Selçuk Demirel, Piyale Madra, Brad Hollande, Robert Mankoff, Anita Kunz, et Ralph Steadman. Le travail de dessinateur polonais Krzysztof Grzondziel, qui met particulièrement l'accent sur ​​les dégâts causés par les guerres, a remporté le premier prix du concours de cette année. Le deuxième prix du concours est allé à l'artiste turc Samb Küçükkantarcılar et le troisième prix au Luxembourgeois Pol Leurs.Cette année, 842 dessinateurs de 77 pays ont pris part à la compétition avec un total de 2.544 dessins animés. Le comité international, qui a réuni à Bodrum, aussi évalué 234 dessins animés par 199 artistes de 43 pays, qui avaient déjà été choisis pour examen par le comité de présélection.

Nouvelle vidéo des pilotes turcs kidnappés au Liban


Des nouvelles images des pilotes turcs kidnappés au Liban, Murat Akpınar et Murat Ağca ont été diffusées sur la chaîne de télévision libanaise LBC.
On constate d’après les propos des deux pilotes, que la vidéo a été tournée le 14 octobre.
Les deux hommes parlent en anglais dans cette vidéo de 32 secondes, dans laquelle ils semblent être en bonne santé. Ils affirment qu’ils se portent bien, que leurs familles leur manquent et qu’ils voudraient retourner en Turquie le plus vite possible.
Le pilote Murat Akpınar et le copilote Murat Ağca de la compagnie aérienne turque Turkish Airlines avaient été kidnappés le 9 août à Beyrouth par un groupe nommé «Les visiteurs de l’imam Reza ».
Les ravisseurs avaient exigé de la Turquie d’user de son influence pour obtenir la libération de neuf pèlerins chiites libanais enlevés en Syrie en mai 2012.
Date de l'information  : 16 Octobre 2013 11:05

lundi 14 octobre 2013

Literature festival to welcome writers of the world

ISTANBUL - Anadolu Agency

Writer Alberto Manguel will visit five Turkish cities and his impressions will be published in a book.
Writer Alberto Manguel will visit five Turkish cities and his impressions will be published in a book.
The 5th edition of the Istanbul Tanpınar Literature Festival (ITEF) will be held this year between Oct. 30 and Nov. 10 on the theme of “City and Game.” Sixty-one writers from 15 countries will join the event.

ITEF 2013, whose main sponsor is the Vehbi Koç Foundation, will focus on the following themes: The relationship of reader and author in the triangle of boredom, game, and literature; the areas that literature expands to and influences; the inseparable union of literary fiction and game; and the ancient roots of storytelling which are undeniably human. These and many other such topics will be addressed by the invited authors.

Festival goes to five cities

According to a written statement, the festival will bring together readers with the writers in Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Erzurum and Konya. 

The festival will feature readings, sectorial meetings, events with children and literature talks, aiming to introduce Turkish literature to the international literature circles. 

The opening speech of the festival will be made by Mario Levi and Oya Baydar and renowned international names like Andrea Winkler, Thomas Stangl, Teresa Praauer are expected to attend the festival. 

Within the scope of the festival, writer Alberto Manguel will make two-day visits to five Turkish cities for two days and his impressions will be published in a book. The name of this project is “Tanpınar’ın İzinde Beş Şehir” (Five Cities in the Footsteps of Tanpınar). 

The scope of the project includes visits of important libraries, universities, book shops and cultural centres in the featured cities.

A book will also be published

In the scope of the festival, the “ITEF 2013- City and Game” anthology book will also be published. This year, ITEF will be cooperating with Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education to include the festival’s foreign guests in the latter’s “Writers in Schools” program. The ITEF authors will meet students in the nine boroughs of Istanbul. They will be assigned to schools according to the students’ age group and over the course of the festival will meet thousands of primary and secondary students at over 100 events.

For further information about the festival, please visit

EDİRNE: ville qui va accueillir Salvador Dali

EDİRNE - Anadolu Agency

L'exposition intitulée 'Zodiac' affichera 25 œuvres originales de Salvador Dali.
L'exposition intitulée 'Zodiac' affichera 25 œuvres originales de Salvador Dali.
Ekmekçizade Caravansérail de Edirne accueille une exposition Salvador Dali intitulé «Zodiac», à partir de 23 octobre. S'exprimant lors de la conférence de presse, le maire d'Edirne Hamdi Sedefçi dit que Edirne va très loin dans le développement de ses arts et de la scène culturelle. "Nous allons Afficher 25 œuvres originales de Salvador Dali [tout au long de l'exposition]. Ce sera la plus grande et l'exposition d'art la plus importante que Edirne a vu ces dernières années ", at-il dit, ajoutant qu'ils étaient très fiers d'avoir pu rendre cela possible.Sedefçi dit que la compétition de lutte Kırkpınar avait été inscrite sur ​​la Liste du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'UNESCO, un reflet de sa valeur pour l'humanité."Notre ville travaille pour atteindre ces extrémités et je pense que nous devrions devenir une ville mondiale", at-il déclaré. Il a ajouté que l'événement sportif le plus long-running de la Turquie, le combat à 'huile Wrestling Kırkpınar, a eu lieu pour le moment 652 fois. Le festival devait commencer le 5 Juillet. Un total de 678 lutteurs à l'huile, appelée "pehlivans," ont été enregistrés pour entrer dans les combats en 14 ages différents et catégories de poids dans le tournoi de trois jours. 
Twelfe signes du zodiaque l'exposition de Zodiac Dali illustre 12 signes du zodiaque. Plus tôt en 2011, une exposition Dali a été exposée à l'Université Mimar Sinan d'Istanbul des Beaux-Arts en collaboration avec Inartis et Kult. Un total de 121 pièces comprenant des lithographies et aquarelles de la presse écrite la série de Dali "Divine Comédie", "Traces du surréalisme» et «Dîner avec Gala", étaient exposées lors de l'exposition Istanbul."Divine Comédie" se compose de 100 copies, un tirage pour chaque chant du poème épique de Dante du même nom, et les «traces du surréalisme" est constitué de neuf impressions de couleurs lithographiques faites par Dali à Paris en 1971.

Film de Russell Crowe à Istanbul « The Water Diviner »


Le célèbre acteur hollywoodien Russell Crowe continue ses préparatifs pour le tournage de son film sur la bataille des Dardanelles.
L’acteur australo-néo-zélandais Russell Crowe s’est fait connaitre avec les films entre autre « Gladiator », « Jeux de pouvoir » et « Robin Hood ».
Dans le film intitulé « The Water Diviner » qui a pour thème la bataille des Dardanelles, Russell Crowe sera face aux spectateurs en statut de réalisateur et d’acteur. 
« The Water Diviner » va tracer l’arrivée d’un père australien en Turquie à la recherche de ses deux fils disparus lors de la bataille des Dardanelles dans le contexte de 1919.
Crowe qui continue les préparatifs du film, a rencontré le ministre de la Culture et du Tourisme Ömer Çelik au pavillon Mecidiye dans le complexe du palais de Topkapı à Istanbul.
Russel Crowe a demandé le soutien du ministre pour la réalisation de son film.
Le ministre de la Culture Ömer Çelik qui a souligné l’importance de ce film marquant la rencontre des destins de différentes nations, s’est engagé à assurer les facilités nécessaires.
Le tournage du film devrait commencer après que les autorisations aient été obtenues.
Çanakkale Savaşı’nda kaybolan 2 oğlunu arayan Avustralyalı babanın 1919’da Türkiye’ye gelişini anlatan filmi için Türkiye'de bulunan Avusturalya'lı aktör Russel Crowe, twitter hesabından yayınladığı salyangoz fotoğrafıyla İstanbul trafiğine göndermede bulundu.

Crowe yayınladığı salyangoz fotoğrafının üzerine "This fellows moves faster than Istanbul traffic... much faster" yazdı. 

"Bu salyangoz İstanbul trafiğinden daha hızlı ilerliyor... Çok daha hızlı" yazılı Crowe'un bu tweeti kısa sürede yüzlerce kişi tarafından paylaşıldı.

La Turquie assumera la présidence en exercice du G-20 en 2015


Lors de la réunion annuelle de l’Institut de la Finance internationale (IIF), le vice-premier ministre Ali Babacan a annoncé que la Turquie allait assumer la présidence du G-20 en 2015.
M. Babacan a jugé que le groupe ne s’intéressait pas suffisant aux questions mondiales actuellement.
Il a soutenu que l’intérêt du G-20 aux pays émergents allait augmenter durant la présidence de la Turquie.
Babacan a assuré que la Turquie allait donner la priorité aux questions humanitaires et environnementales.
Les réunions du G-20 sont une plateforme rassemblant les dirigeants mondiaux chaque année qui permettent le développement des relations bilatérales entre les pays, d’établir des amitiés chaleureuses, a fait part M. Babacan.
Les autres orateurs ont soutenu que le G-7 avait perdu de son importance, mais que le G-20 était une formation bien plus vaste.
M. Babacan a aussi évoqué la crise budgétaire au menu des Etats-Unis.
Sans un accord rapide concernant le relèvement du plafond de la dette américaine, c’est l’économie mondiale qui sera en péril, a prévenu M. Babacan. 

Date de l'information  : 13 Octobre 2013 17:14