Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Başkanı Sayın Cemil Çiçek'in katılımıyla açılacak olan Klasik Tür Sanatları Merkezi Geleneksel Yıl Sonu Sergisine tüm sanat severler davetlidir..
11 Kasım 2013 Pazartesi - 15.00
Dolmabahçe Sanat Galerisi, Beşiktaş - İstanbul
Notre objectif est de réunir les cultures turques, Moyen-orientales et françaises pour une meilleure connaissance entre nos peuples, une coopération, une amitié durable.
vendredi 8 novembre 2013
concert de sanat müzik lundı 11 novebre à İstanbul
Antalya Piano festival opens with Fazıl Say premiere
Antalya Piano Festival starts today and continues until Nov 30. The festival’s art director Fazıl Say will perform a premiere of his piano concerto “Su” (Water)
Organized by the Antalya Metrocity Municipality and with Fazıl Say as the art director, the festival will host Grammy awarded virtuoso Michel Camilo and other famous names from the music world.
At the opening concert of this year’s festival composer and pianist Fazıl Say’s new piece, the piano concerto “Su” (Water) which had its world premiere in Switzerland will be performed for the first time in Turkey. As the artist’s 10 different pieces which he called “İlk Şarkılar” (First Songs) are presented to the audience, Say’s piano performance will be accompanied by soloist Serenad Bağcan. The opening concerts featuring Fazıl Say’s performances will take place on Nov. 8 and 9 at the Antalya Cultural Centre.
Following the opening concerts the duo Gergely Bogányi and Gábor Boldoczki will meet with music enthusiasts at the festival. The two musicians will play a repertoire consisting of pieces from Wilhelm Brandt, F.Chopin, Oskar Böhme, Standley Friedman, R. Wagner, F. Liszt, George Enescu and Frigyes Hidas on Nov. 12.
One of the other names performing at the festival, Meral Güneyman, will present the audience with Tango, Milonga, Waltz and Flamenco.
Artists of this year’s festival also include the talented pianist twins Ferhan & Ferzan Önder and the Borusan Quartet. The twin sisters who live in Vienna launched their album “1001 nights” after the 9/11 attacks in order to influence the West’s view of the East with music and conquered the attention of the whole world will also succeed at pleasantly surprising the audience during this concert. The performance of the piece “Edirne to Kars” composed by Aleksey Igudesman who is internationally known as a classical music comedian and violinist, will be one of the highlights of the event.
Young talents at the festival
Also this year, the festival continues to host young and successful talents on its stage. Young pianists will meet audiences with their strong performances at the “Young Talents” concert which is held traditionally every year in memory of late pianist Kâmuran Gündemir (1933-2006) who taught many artists in Turkey. The young soloists performing this year are Varvara Kutuzova, İzem Gürer, Elif Işıl Karakaş and Beste Tanağardıgil. The young talents will be on the stage on Nov. 17 at the Antalya Cultural Centre.
The regular orchestra of the Antalya Piano Festival, the Moscow Virtuosi who perform the closing concert of the event every year break the tradition this year and meet art enthusiasts during the festival. The Moscow Virtuosi, who are well known for the quality of their art and regarded as one of the world’s most important chamber orchestras, will be led by conductor Vladimir Spivakov. One of the other names at the festival, Swiss pianist and composer Werner Bärtschi will interpret and perform pieces from Beethoven, Franz Liszt and Othmar Schoeck as well as his own compositions. One of the other concerts at the festival will be given by singer Aziza Mustafa Zadeh. She will interpret Aşık Veysel’s (famous Turkish folk poet) piece of art “Uzun İnce Bir Yoldayım” (The Day and Night). The concert is scheduled for Nov. 24.
The Festival closes with Michel Camilo
This year the festival will close with an outstanding concert performed by internationally renowned Latin jazz pianist and composer Michel Camilo on Nov 30. At the closing concert, the Turkey premier of Camilo’s new composition ‘Piano Concerto No.1′ will take place. In addition, Camilo will also interpret G. Gershwin’s work “Rhapsody in Blue” at this concert. Michel Camilo, who has also composed for soundtracks for films such as “Amo Tu Cama Rica” and “Los Peores Años de Nuestra Vida” besides his concerts on various stages around the world, will perform for the first time with an orchestra in Turkey.
The artist will be accompanied on that evening by the Antalya State Symphony Orchestra led by conductor Gürer Aykal.
Libellés :
antalya Festival,
Fazıl Say,
Michel Camilo
Infographics invoked to help better understand Kadıköy
Haydarpaşa Station project.
The project was organized by tasarimyarismalari.com and infografik.com.tr in cooperation with the Tasarım Atölyesi Kadıköy and the Mimar Sinan University Informatics Department.
Workshop participants collected data about Kadıköy, transforming the information into easily perceivable graphic visual representations. Five projects, including Haydarpaşa Station, Culture&Art Production in Kadıköy, District Bazaars, Everyone's Kadıköy and Göztepe Park, were created during the workshop, while the groups created scenarios and designed icons and colors for unique infographics.
With the final works, the organization team and participants aim to approach rapidly changing living spaces through the use of science and encourage individuals and professionals to become involved in these transformations.
The infographics workshop was the first interdisciplinary work in Turkey to be used as a source for developing urban strategies and habitable cities with identities.
The groups’ works are being displayed at the Tasarım Atölyesi Kadıköy, while Istanbul Technical University and Mimar Sinan University will host the works after the current exhibition ends on Nov. 9.
Libellés :
universit" Mimar Sinan
Akbank Sanat Piyano Günleri 12 Kasım'da başlıyor
Akbank Sanat Piyano Günleri, Danimarkalı piyanist, besteci ve aranjör Nikolaj Hess'in 12 Kasım'da vereceği konserle başlayacak.
Akbank Sanat ’ın, 12-28 Kasım tarihleri arasında düzenleyeceği ‘Akbank Sanat Piyano Günleri’nde, piyanonun usta isimleri bir araya gelecek. Akbank Sanat’tan yapılan açıklamaya göre; etkinlik, Danimarkalı piyanist, besteci, prodüktör ve aranjör Nikolaj Hess’in 12 Kasım Salı günü vereceği konserle başlayacak. Danimarka’nın prestijli tiyatro ödüllerinden Reumert’e aday gösterilen ‘Love Songs’ adlı gösterinin müzikal direktörlüğünü yapan sanatçı, solo, trio ve kuartet çalışmalarının yanı sıra Spacelab, Hess is More, Global Motion gibi topluluklarla birlikte sahne alıyor. Nikolaj Hess, Akbank Sanat’ta gerçekleştireceği konserinde son dönem eserlerinden oluşan bir repertuvar seslendirecek. Nikolaj Hess, aynı gün müzikseverlerle bir araya gelerek hem deneyimlerini paylaşacak hem de sorularını yanıtlayacak.
2012 yılında Avusturya Mozart Üniversitesi Salzburg Müzik Okulu sınavlarını birincilikle kazanarak Prof. Claudius Tanski’nin öğrencisi olan ve halen Avusturya’da müzik eğitimine devam eden 1994 doğumlu piyanist Orçun Yıldıran, 19 Kasım Salı günü Akbank Sanat Piyano Günleri kapsamında müzikseverlerle buluşacak. 2009 yılında Bulgaristan’da düzenlenen Uluslararası Genç Müzisyenler Piyano Yarışması’nda üçüncülük ödülü, 2009 yılında Pera Müzik Festivali kapsamındaki uluslararası yarışmada da birincilik ödülü alan genç piyanist, konserde klasik müzik repertuarının seçkin eserlerini seslendirecek. Norveç cazının önde gelen sanatçılarından piyanist ve besteci Jon Balke, 21 Kasım Perşembe günü Akbank Sanat Piyano Günleri’nde sahne alacak. 1993 yılında Norveç’te ‘Yılın Caz Müzisyeni’ seçilen, 2000’de Edvard Ödülü’nü, 2008’de Gammleg Ödülü’nü kazanan Jon Balke, konser öncesi müzikseverlerle bir araya gelerek hem deneyimlerini paylaşacak hem de sorularını yanıtlayacak. ‘Quiet Winter Night’ albümü ile 2013 yılında ‘Best Surround Sound Album’ kategorisinde Grammy’ye aday gösterilen Norveçli ünlü piyanist ve besteci Jan Gunnar Hoff ise 26 Kasım Salı günü Akbank Sanat Piyano Günleri’ne konuk olacak. Bu yıl nisan ayında yayımladığı veAvrupa caz sahnesinde büyük ilgi gören son albümü ‘Living’in dünya turnesi kapsamında sahne alacak olan ünlü piyanist de konser öncesi müzikseverlerle buluşacak.
Etkinlik 28 Kasım Perşembe günü Harmen Fraanje Trio ile sona erecek. Piyanoda Hollanda’nın son dönem en yetenekli piyanistleri arasında gösterilen Harmen Fraanje, kontrbasta Clemens van der Feen ve davulda Andre Pallemaerts’den oluşan ve 2010 yılında About Jazz dergisi tarafından ‘2010’un en iyi canlı performansı’ olarak seçilen Harmen Fraanje Trio, Akbank Sanat Piyano Günleri kapsamında konser verecek.
2012 yılında Avusturya Mozart Üniversitesi Salzburg Müzik Okulu sınavlarını birincilikle kazanarak Prof. Claudius Tanski’nin öğrencisi olan ve halen Avusturya’da müzik eğitimine devam eden 1994 doğumlu piyanist Orçun Yıldıran, 19 Kasım Salı günü Akbank Sanat Piyano Günleri kapsamında müzikseverlerle buluşacak. 2009 yılında Bulgaristan’da düzenlenen Uluslararası Genç Müzisyenler Piyano Yarışması’nda üçüncülük ödülü, 2009 yılında Pera Müzik Festivali kapsamındaki uluslararası yarışmada da birincilik ödülü alan genç piyanist, konserde klasik müzik repertuarının seçkin eserlerini seslendirecek. Norveç cazının önde gelen sanatçılarından piyanist ve besteci Jon Balke, 21 Kasım Perşembe günü Akbank Sanat Piyano Günleri’nde sahne alacak. 1993 yılında Norveç’te ‘Yılın Caz Müzisyeni’ seçilen, 2000’de Edvard Ödülü’nü, 2008’de Gammleg Ödülü’nü kazanan Jon Balke, konser öncesi müzikseverlerle bir araya gelerek hem deneyimlerini paylaşacak hem de sorularını yanıtlayacak. ‘Quiet Winter Night’ albümü ile 2013 yılında ‘Best Surround Sound Album’ kategorisinde Grammy’ye aday gösterilen Norveçli ünlü piyanist ve besteci Jan Gunnar Hoff ise 26 Kasım Salı günü Akbank Sanat Piyano Günleri’ne konuk olacak. Bu yıl nisan ayında yayımladığı veAvrupa caz sahnesinde büyük ilgi gören son albümü ‘Living’in dünya turnesi kapsamında sahne alacak olan ünlü piyanist de konser öncesi müzikseverlerle buluşacak.
Etkinlik 28 Kasım Perşembe günü Harmen Fraanje Trio ile sona erecek. Piyanoda Hollanda’nın son dönem en yetenekli piyanistleri arasında gösterilen Harmen Fraanje, kontrbasta Clemens van der Feen ve davulda Andre Pallemaerts’den oluşan ve 2010 yılında About Jazz dergisi tarafından ‘2010’un en iyi canlı performansı’ olarak seçilen Harmen Fraanje Trio, Akbank Sanat Piyano Günleri kapsamında konser verecek.
Libellés :
akbank sanat piyano günleri,
Nikolaj Hess
la semaine ouïghoure
Invitation à une rencontre scientifique avec le peuple ouïghour
L’équipe d’Oghouz est heureuse de vous convier à la première semaine d’études ouïghoures ayant lieu en France.Celle-ci se déroulera à Paris du 18 au 22 novembre 2013 sur les sites de l’INALCO, du CNRS, de l’IEP et de l’université Paris VII.
Qui sont les Ouïghours ?Les Ouïghours constituent un peuple vivant dans l’ouest de la Chine, au sein de la région autonome ouïghoure, que traversait jadis la route de la Soie. L’exceptionnelle richesse de leur culture, aujourd’hui mise en péril, est un domaine d’étude que privilégient les universitaires de nombreux pays.
Les événements de la semaine
Le colloque
Dans cette perspective, Oghouz en partenariat avec l’INALCO, l’EPHE/GRSL/CNRS, l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques
de Paris/CERI/GRAC, l’Université Paris-VII Denis Diderot, l’IFEAC, le Sénat, l’Association ADET, la MIE Labo 13,
et Animafac, a l’honneur d’accueillir des chercheurs français et étrangers qui présenteront au public leurs travaux sur la culture et le peuple ouïghours.
Les activités culturelles
Par ailleurs, le grand public est invité à une rencontre rare avec cette culture. Au cours de cette semaine, il pourra ainsi participer à différents ateliers de découverte : calligraphie, gastronomie, danse et littérature. Il sera également convié à assister à la projection du documentaire Les Momies du bassin de Tarim de David Shadrack, mais aussi à admirer de nombreuses oeuvres ouïghoures lors d’une exposition regroupant photographies, mangas et objets ethniques. Enfin, il pourra apprécier la musique de ce peuple lors des concerts d’ouverture et de fermeture de cette semaine.AccèsTous ces événements sont gratuits et ouverts à toutes et tous. Seules les dégustations de gastronomie ouïghoure, proposées tous les jours lors du déjeuner, sont à prix libre.
Où et quand ?
- LanguesLe 18 novembre : à partir de 10h à l’auditorium de l’INALCO, au 65 rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris.
- IdentitéLe 19 novembre : identité à partir de 10h30 à l’auditorium de l’INALCO, au 65 rue des Grands Moulins,
- Diaspora et HistoireLe 20 novembre : à partir de 10h30 dans la salle de conférence du GSRL – CNRS, au 59-61 Rue Pouchet, 75017 Paris.
- Géopolitique du monde ouîghour (Xinjiang)Le 21 novembre : à partir de 9h30 dans la salle de conférence du CERI- IEP de Paris, au 56 Rue Jacob, 75006 Paris.
- Art et Culture Le 22 novembre : à partir de 10h30 dans l’amphi 5C de la Halle aux Farines, Université Paris VII, au 5 Rue Thomas Mann, 75013 Paris.
Oghouz, association laïque, apolitique et à but non lucratif (loi 1901), se donne pour but de promouvoir la rencontre
entre les cultures française et ouïghoure.
Elle publie notamment dans ce cadre la première revue franco-ouïghoure Regard sur les Ouïghoures. Déjà forte de plusieurs éditions du festival ouïghour au sein de diverses universités françaises, elle souhaite cette année proposer au public une présentation enrichie et approfondie de la culture de ce peuple.
ContactOGHUZ (www.oghouz.org)
L’Association des Etudiants Ouïghours de France
Adresse : Maison des Associations du 20ème, Boîte 25
1-3 rue Frédérick Lemaître ; 75020 Paris France
Email : contact@oghuz.org
Phone : 00 33 6 50 32 16 83
mercredi 6 novembre 2013
la semaine ouïghoure
Invitation à une rencontre scientifique avec le peuple ouïghour
L’équipe d’Oghouz est heureuse de vous convier à la première semaine d’études ouïghoures ayant lieu en France.Celle-ci se déroulera à Paris du 18 au 22 novembre 2013 sur les sites de l’INALCO, du CNRS, de l’IEP et de l’université Paris VII.
Qui sont les Ouïghours ?Les Ouïghours constituent un peuple vivant dans l’ouest de la Chine, au sein de la région autonome ouïghoure, que traversait jadis la route de la Soie. L’exceptionnelle richesse de leur culture, aujourd’hui mise en péril, est un domaine d’étude que privilégient les universitaires de nombreux pays.
Les événements de la semaine
Le colloque
Dans cette perspective, Oghouz en partenariat avec l’INALCO, l’EPHE/GRSL/CNRS, l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques
de Paris/CERI/GRAC, l’Université Paris-VII Denis Diderot, l’IFEAC, le Sénat, l’Association ADET, la MIE Labo 13,
et Animafac, a l’honneur d’accueillir des chercheurs français et étrangers qui présenteront au public leurs travaux sur la culture et le peuple ouïghours.
Les activités culturelles
Par ailleurs, le grand public est invité à une rencontre rare avec cette culture. Au cours de cette semaine, il pourra ainsi participer à différents ateliers de découverte : calligraphie, gastronomie, danse et littérature. Il sera également convié à assister à la projection du documentaire Les Momies du bassin de Tarim de David Shadrack, mais aussi à admirer de nombreuses oeuvres ouïghoures lors d’une exposition regroupant photographies, mangas et objets ethniques. Enfin, il pourra apprécier la musique de ce peuple lors des concerts d’ouverture et de fermeture de cette semaine.AccèsTous ces événements sont gratuits et ouverts à toutes et tous. Seules les dégustations de gastronomie ouïghoure, proposées tous les jours lors du déjeuner, sont à prix libre.
Où et quand ?
- LanguesLe 18 novembre : à partir de 10h à l’auditorium de l’INALCO, au 65 rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris.
- IdentitéLe 19 novembre : identité à partir de 10h30 à l’auditorium de l’INALCO, au 65 rue des Grands Moulins,
- Diaspora et HistoireLe 20 novembre : à partir de 10h30 dans la salle de conférence du GSRL – CNRS, au 59-61 Rue Pouchet, 75017 Paris.
- Géopolitique du monde ouîghour (Xinjiang)Le 21 novembre : à partir de 9h30 dans la salle de conférence du CERI- IEP de Paris, au 56 Rue Jacob, 75006 Paris.
- Art et Culture Le 22 novembre : à partir de 10h30 dans l’amphi 5C de la Halle aux Farines, Université Paris VII, au 5 Rue Thomas Mann, 75013 Paris.
Oghouz, association laïque, apolitique et à but non lucratif (loi 1901), se donne pour but de promouvoir la rencontre
entre les cultures française et ouïghoure.
Elle publie notamment dans ce cadre la première revue franco-ouïghoure Regard sur les Ouïghoures. Déjà forte de plusieurs éditions du festival ouïghour au sein de diverses universités françaises, elle souhaite cette année proposer au public une présentation enrichie et approfondie de la culture de ce peuple.
ContactOGHUZ (www.oghouz.org)
L’Association des Etudiants Ouïghours de France
Adresse : Maison des Associations du 20ème, Boîte 25
1-3 rue Frédérick Lemaître ; 75020 Paris France
Email : contact@oghuz.org
Phone : 00 33 6 50 32 16 83
mardi 5 novembre 2013
10 novembre: concert de musiques traditionnelles d'Anatolie
- 17:00 (UTC+01)
Café des Psaumes, 16 rue des Rosiers (M° Saint-Paul) 75004 Paris Musiques instrumentales traditionnelles d ´Anatolie et aussi d'ici et d'aujourd'hui .
Loic Audry: guitare et oud
Gilles Andrieux: kementché Roumi
Le kementché roumi appelé aussi"klasik kemence"en Turquie et "lyra politiki"(lyre de Constantinople)en Grèce est une vielle en forme de demi poire .Une de ses particularités est que l'ongle glisse sur la corde pour produire les notes.
Utilisé dans la musique populaire en Grèce ,il est joué en Turquie pour la profondeur de son expression proche de la voix humaine , dans la musique classique et religieuse ottomane.
Participation libre.
Libellés :
musique d'Anatolie
lundi 4 novembre 2013
Thousands of Alevis hit streets in Istanbul
Thousands of Alevis, who follow a liberal sect of Islam, voice demands for rights and recognition at a massive rally in Istanbul’s Kadıköy
Kadıköy Square on Istanbul’s Anatolian side fills with Alevis voicing demands for rights for their community. AA Photo
Demonstrators chanted slogans such as “We won’t be the state’s Alevis,” and “We will never bend the knee to injustice,” as well as slogans referring to the anti-government Gezi Park protests that were sparked in May.
Around 50 Alevi associations and political parties were represented in the rally.
Alevis, who follow a liberal sect of Islam, voiced several demands, including the removal of compulsory religion courses in schools, official recognition of their worship places, Cemevis, and investigations into the unknown murders of Alevis.
Legal status demanded
“We want our beliefs to have legal status so the Alevi community can perform its rituals freely,” the Pir Sultan Abdal Association stated on its website, in its call to the rally. It calls for the cancelation of a project in which a mosque and a Cemevi will be built next to each other in Ankara, in a project supported by Muslim cleric Fetullah Gülen.
“This project will have no result other than assimilation and conflict between people of different beliefs,” said the statement.
Alevis also demand the removal of the compulsory religion courses, as well as the Religious Affairs Directorate on the ground that it is a conflicting situation that “a secular country has an institution which only serves Sunni Hanefi Muslims.” They also demand the return of land, Cemevis, and other assets that were confiscated by the state. The estates belonging to Alevis such as Hacı Bektaş Veli Dergâh Şahkulu, Garipdede and Erikli Baba should be returned to Alevi communities without any cost, it said.
The perpetrators of the Alevi murders that took place in the past should be found out, Alevis demand. The Alevi’s worship places, Cemevis, must have legal ground with amendments, according to the Alevi Associations. The Massacres targeting Alevis that took place in Sivas, Çorum, Maraş and Istanbul’s Gazi Quarter must be brought to light, the statute of limitations in such cases must be removed and those responsible must come to justice, Alevis said in their demand.
They also call for the removal of Ottoman Sultan Yavuz Sultan Selim’s name from the third bridge that is being built over the Istanbul strait on the ground that the Sultan is notorious for his orders that killed over 40,000 Alevis. All discriminations against Alevis in public and private institutions must be removed and all restrictions regarding rallies and expression must be removed, said the association’s statement.
November/02/2013 HÜRRİYET DAİLY NEWS
Libellés :
droit du citoyen,
pir sultan abdal
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