samedi 30 novembre 2013

Conference reveals many secrets in ancient city of Stratonikeia

MUĞLA - Anadolu Agency

A conference in Muğla brings together academics. Head of the excavations at Stratonikeia Ancient City Professor Bilal Söğüt said Stratonikeia hides many artifacts and traces from the Ottoman, Roman, and Byzantium eras

The ancient city of Stratonikeia is home to Ottoman era stones on its roads and that’s why it is very important, say excavation officials. DHA photos
The ancient city of Stratonikeia is home to Ottoman era stones on its roads and that’s why it is very important, say excavation officials. DHA photos

The head of the Stratonikeia Ancient City excavations, Professor Bilal Söğüt, said Stratonikeia was home to many civilizations in the past, and therefore the site contained many artifacts and traces from the Ottoman, Roma, Byzantium eras. Söğüt attended the conference “Stratonikeia, from Ancient times to Present” at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Mediterranean Research and Application Center (AKMEDAM). In his speech Söğüt said they had started the excavation works in Karia area’s inner parts in 2008.

vendredi 29 novembre 2013

The Kültepe excavations have ended, unearthing a large monument. The head of the excavation says the water channels also amazed academics

Excavations in Kültepe end with new findings

This year’s excavations in Kütahya’s ancient site of Kültepe show that 4,000-year-old history can be traced back to an earlier time. ‘The first aim of the excavations is to discover ancient Bronze Age history,’ says the head of the Kültepe excavations Professor Fikri Kulakoğlı (below). AA photo
This year’s excavations in Kütahya’s ancient site of Kültepe show that 4,000-year-old history can be traced back to an earlier time. ‘The first aim of the excavations is to discover ancient Bronze Age history,’ says the head of the Kültepe excavations Professor Fikri Kulakoğlı (below). AA photo
Kayseri’s Kültepe excavations of its ancient tumulus site have ended with its 66th excavation, originally starting in 1948.

This year’s excavations at Kayseri’s ancient site Kültepe, the center where the written history of Anatolia began, have unearthed a large monument. The ancient monument will now be carefully examined, said the head of the Kültepe excavations Professor Fikri Kulakoğlu.

The monument’s 75x60-meter-part has been unearthed, said Kulakoğlu. “This monumental structure is the largest building that has been found in the Anatolian and Middle Eastern areas.”


'World of Tales': Selected poems of Oğuz Tansel

William Armstrong -

‘World of Tales’ by Oğuz Tansel (Elips Kitap, 2012, 19 TL, 273 pages)

The poet Oğuz Tansel produced work over the course of five decades, amassing an oeuvre routinely described with adjectives such as “universal” and “humanistic.” Like contemporary Nazım Hikmet, his poems are informed by a deeply felt socialism, but – also like Hikmet – he is least successful when that ideology is front and center. His most impressive work leaves rigid ideological conviction in the background, informing his vision but not overwhelming it.

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De vieux carreaux Iznik ravivés par deux muralistes

UŞAK - Agence Anadolu

L'art des carreaux est relancé par les mains de la première et seule femme muraliste de la Turquie, Nursen Güven, et son mari, Güvenç Güven. Le couple participe également à des événements internationaux pour représenter la Turquie

AA photo
AA photo
Première et seule femme muraliste de la Turquie, Nursen Güven, et son mari Güvenç Güven amenent l'art historique des carreaux d'İznik , utilisé dans la plupart des structures magnifiques les Ottomans au 16ème siècle, dans le présent avec leurs œuvres d'art. Güvenç Güven, qui a rejoint une exposition intitulée " 16ème siècle techniques de carreaux d'Iznik "dans la province occidentale de Uşak, a déclaré que lui et son épouse avait travaillé sur les œuvres de la Mosquée Selimiye à Edirne, sur des carreaux sculptés à la main à la mosquée Sultanahmet d'İstanbul et à la mosquée Rustempasa ainsi que la restauration de leur conception originale et ses couleurs après quelque 200 ans. Güven a dit qu'elle avait pris des cours du maître de tuiles Faik Kırımlı, et créé leur propre atelier avec son mari pour commencer à travailler sur les carreaux d'Iznik. Il a dit qu'ils avaient fait des compositions originales de conception et de couleur de l'ornementation sculptée à la main de quelque 50 mosquées en Turquie et à l'étranger.

Nursen Güven et son mari 
Güvenç Güven posent avec leurs 
œuvres dans une exposition à Uşak. 
Ils apportent la vie à l'historique de İznik 
art de la fabrication de tuiles dans leurs œuvres. 
AA photo
Art négligé avec l'occidentalisation

"L'art du carreau a connu son apogée dans la période de Kanuni Sultan Süleyman et Mimar Sinan au 16ème siècle. Avec l'effet de l'occidentalisation, cet art a été négligée dans le 17ème siècle. Plus tard, malgré de nombreux essais à l'ère République, il ne pouvait pas atteindre son ancienne splendeur. Merci à sa recherche, en particulier dans les archives du palais de Topkapi en 1960, mon professeur Kırımlı réussi à faire la tuile d'Iznik avec la technique originale. Je l'ai trouvé en 1995 et pris des cours de lui. Nous avons atteint un certain niveau dans un court laps de temps depuis que nous avons adapté à notre esprit et notre cœur », a déclaré Güven, ajoutant qu'ils avaient ouvert de nombreuses expositions en Turquie et à l'étranger. «Nous unissons nos connaissances et expériences avec mon mari et continuer à travailler aujourd'hui." Güven a dit que les expositions à l'étranger, ils ont trouvé la chance de représenter la Turquie sur la scène internationale, et a ajouté, «Nous avons participé à des manifestations internationales pour représenter la Turquie pour près de 12-13 ans.Nous avons participé à des manifestations dans des pays comme l'Iran, le Koweït, l'Arabie saoudite, Oman et Bahreïn. Aussi, nous avons les œuvres dans des collections spéciales de musées à Bahreïn, au Koweït et en Arabie saoudite. Nous étions les gagnants d'un événement d'art traditionnel, qui a été organisée en 2006 avec la participation de 30 pays. " premiere femme muraliste de la Turquie Nursen Güven a dit que c'était un travail difficile de faire des carreaux d'Iznik, ajoutant: "Nous faisons en utilisant des matériaux comme sable et de pierre. Il faut normalement un ou deux mois pour faire une tuile. Les dessins réalisés sur il peut prendre de trois à cinq jours à trois à cinq mois. "

Istanbul Design Week opens


Istanbul Design Week is held once again, this time at Maçka Küçükçiftlik Park rather than on the Galata Bridge. Designers from around the world meet at the event, which has been organized since 2005

Istanbul Design Week is being held around the theme of ‘Design and City’ this year. Workshops and special events are presented over the course of the IDW’s five days.
Istanbul Design Week is being held around the theme of ‘Design and City’ this year. Workshops and special events are presented over the course of the IDW’s five days.
Istanbul’s major design event, Istanbul Design Week (IDW), opened on Nov. 27 at Maçka Küçükçiftlik Park, hosting leading designers. 

The IDW is being organized for the first time this year in a place different to the city’s iconic Galata Bridge, having hosted a total of 4,200 products by 350 designers and companies since 2005. 
Workshops and special events are presented over the course of the IDW’s five days, showcasing the latest trends in design, fashion, science, architecture and technology......

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Azerbaïdjan : la construction de l’aéroport a été confiée aux compagnies turques

vu dans TURQUİE NEWS: www.turquie-news.

mercredi 27 novembre 2013
Les architectes et les ingénieurs turcs qui ont été les auteurs de nombreux ouvrages symboliques, œuvrent maintenant pour doter l’Azerbaïdjan d’un aéroport.
Au début, il n’était question que de la modernisation de l’aéroport militaire de Sitalçay.
Par la suite, le gouvernement azerbaidjanais a décidé de bâtir un nouvel aéroport militaire à la suite des entretiens.
Les travaux de construction de l’aéroport ont été pris en charge par une compagnie privée de l’industrie de la défense turque.
Tandis que la société également turque HAVELSAN est responsable de l’installation, de l’intégration et de la programmation des systèmes électroniques.
Il n’a pas été donné d’informations sur l’emplacement de l’aéroport qui sera édifié près de Bakou.

jeudi 28 novembre 2013

İstanbul'un ilk panoramaları görücüye çıkıyor

Koç Üniversitesi Anadolu Medeniyetleri Araştırma Merkezi (AnaMed), İstanbul'un ilk panoramalarını çeken, James Robertson'ı, doğumunun 200'üncü yılı anısına düzenlediği sergiyle ağırlıyor.
İstanbul'un ilk panoramaları görücüye çıkıyor
                               kOÇ Üniversitesi Anadolu Medeniyetleri Araştırma Merkezi (AnaMed), İstanbul 'un ilk panoramalarını çeken, James Robertson'ı, doğumunun 200'üncü yılı anısına düzenlediği sergiyle ağırlıyor. Bahattin Öztuncay'ın küratörlüğünü üstlendiği ve Ömer M. Koç koleksiyonundan Robertson'a ait orijinal fotoğraf ve suluboya eserlerin yer aldığı sergi, 2 Şubat'a dek AnaMed'de. 'Robertson, Osmanlı Başkentinde Fotoğrafçı ve Hakkâk' başlığını taşıyan sergide, 1813-1888 yılları arasında yaşamış, Darphane-i Amire'nin başhakkağı ve fotoğraf sanatçısı James Robertson'ın 40 yıl boyunca hizmet verdiği darphanedeki faaliyetlerinin yanı sıra, suluboya ve fotoğraf çalışmalarından da örnekler görülebilir. 19. yüzyıl fotoğraf sanatının önemli isimleri arasında yer alan ve mesleki eğitimini Londra Kraliyet Darphanesi'nde tamamlayan Robertson, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun başkentinde 40 yıl boyunca, Sultan Abdülmecid ve Sultan Abdülaziz dâhil olmak üzere dört Osmanlı sultanına bağlı olarak görev aldı. Altın ve gümüş paraların ve madalyaların desenlerini, kalıp ve modellerini hazırlayan Robertson, 1850'lerden itibaren fotoğrafçılıkla da ilgilenmeye başladı. İstanbul'un ilk 360° panoramik fotoğraflarını çekti. Hem İstanbul fotoğraflarıyla, hem de 1854 tarihli Atina, 1854-55 yıllarında çektiği Kırım Savaşı serileri ve 1857'de hazırladığı Kudüs ve Kahire fotoğraf serileriyle Londra ve Paris'te önemli sergilere katılan Robertson, döneminde büyük bir üne kavuşmuştu.

2013: mauvaise année pour la Turquie, après les J.O. l'expo universelle

EXPO 2020 aura lieu à Dubaï


Lors du second tour, Izmir a été éliminée pour la deuxième fois avec 36 voix derrière Ekaterinbourg et Dubaï.
Izmir avait déjà été candidate pour l’EXPO 2015.
Le ministre de la Culture et du Tourisme Ömer Çelik a félicité le ministre émirati des Affaires étrangères Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan et l’équipe vainqueur. 
Date de l'information  : 28 Novembre 2013 12:53

mardi 26 novembre 2013

Turkish artist Bedri Baykam reveals eight seconds that changed the world


Turkish artist Bedri Baykam’s new exhibition puts the assassination of JFK front and center, 50 years after the US president was killed in Dallas

You Can’t Say Dallas Doesn’t Love You Mr. President. Mixed media on canvas
You Can’t Say Dallas Doesn’t Love You Mr. President. Mixed media on canvas
People around the world can still remember what they were doing on Nov. 22, 1963, when the last sitting president of the United States was assassinated in Dallas. Fifty years have passed since John F. Kennedy was killed, but the mystery surrounding his murder has yet to dissipate despite the passage of five decades.

Appropriately, Turkish artist Bedri Baykam’s latest exhibition, “8 Seconds that Changed the World,” delves into the circumstances surrounding JFK’s death. Even more fittingly, the show at Piramid Sanat opened on Nov. 22.

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13. Festival international d’Istanbul des films indépendants


Les portes du Festival international d’Istanbul des films indépendants, l’IF, qui vise à présenter différents horizons aux amateurs du cinéma, s’ouvrent pour la 13ème fois.

Les candidatures des films pourront être déposées jusqu’au 29 novembre. Le festival se déroulera entre les 13 et 23 février 2014 à Istanbul, entre le 27 février et le 2 mars 2014 à Ankara et Izmir.

Les films qui participent au festival, seront en lice dans la catégorie « Exploration » pour le prix de 15 mille dollars. « Une narration brave et une quête formelle » seront les critères. L’un des films dans cette catégorie remportera également un prix spécial par le jury qui sera choisi par l’Association des écrivains du cinéma, la SIYAD.

Dans la catégorie « Ménage » d’IF Istanbul, il y aura des films qui pourraient offrir une opinion, nouvelle et différente sur la Turquie.

Dans la catégorie « De cours récits de Turquie » préparée suivant les suggestions des réalisateurs, producteurs et amateurs de films court métrage, des films gratuits pourront être vus dans différents cinémas de festival à Istanbul, Ankara et Izmir.

Les ateliers et parties organisés dans le cadre du festival se sont enrichis de plus en plus grâce à la diffusion en directe depuis 5 ans. La méthode de « Distribution et partage alternatifs » est mise en application grâce au projet « IF2 ». Le « IF2 » réalisé en collaboration avec le fameux site de cinéma IMUB, permet aux spectateurs de 26 villes anatoliennes, de Lefkoşa (République Turque de Chypre du Nord), de Gumri, d’Erevan, de Jérusalem et de Ramallah (Gaza) de voir les films des 3 derniers jours du festival en même temps.

Il n’y a aucune condition de sujet, forme ou de durée pour les films qui seront en lice au Festival où des films long métrage, court métrage et des documentaires produits en 2013 et 2014 seront acceptés. Le formulaire de candidature et de suggestion est disponible à l’  Les films de présentation de l’année dernière sont également mis à disposition dans le même site.

Postal service among the Ottomans

Niki GAMM ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News

The first Ottoman postal service was established in the sixteenth century for the government’s use. Over the course of a three-hundred-year period it developed into a modern postal system under the influence of European-inspired systems

The Selimiye Mosque in Edirne, 1913.
The Selimiye Mosque in Edirne, 1913.
Last month the Turkish PTT (Posta Telefon Telegraf) opened the doors of its postage stamp museum in Ankara and showed off some of the many “treasures” that it had been storing in its depots for 173 years. The permanent exhibition has stamps from the earliest period, stamp designs, equipment and
even short films.


lundi 25 novembre 2013

Touring an old, healing cave in Turkey's Bursa

BURSA - Anadolu Agency

The Oylat Cave in Bursa is famous for its colorful stalactites and stalagmites. The 3 million-year-old cave draws interest from local and foreign visitors since it is believed to heal some health conditions

The 730-meter-long and 93-meter-high Oylat Cave is believed to serve as a remedy to health problems such as asthma and bronchitis. AA photo
The 730-meter-long and 93-meter-high Oylat Cave is believed to serve as a remedy to health problems such as asthma and bronchitis. AA photo
A cave in the northwestern province of Bursa’s İnegöl district draws interest from local and foreign tourists who want to enjoy its alleged health benefits as well as to see natural beauty. The 730-meter-long and 93-meter-high Oylat Cave is believed to serve as a remedy to health problems such as asthma and bronchitis. The 3 million-year-old cave takes almost 90 minutes to visit.

Amasra kalesi dünya mirası oluyor

Dünya Miras Merkezi tarafından geçici listeye eklenen Amasra Kalesi’nin Dünya Miras Listesine girebilmesi için UNESCO Dünya Kültürel ve Doğal Mirasın Korunmasına Dair Sözleşme uyarınca UNESCO Dünya Miras Komitesi tarafından belirlenen kriterlerin sağlanması amacıyla Bartın Valisi Ali Çınar başkanlığında toplantı gerçekleştirildi.

Amasra'da gerçekleşen toplantıda açıklamalarda bulunan Vali Çınar, Bartın’ın Türkiye turizmi için önemli bir yere sahip olduğunu belirtti. 

Vali Çınar, “Bu toplantı biraz da sahip olduğumuz potansiyelimizi tespit edip, bu potansiyelimizi öne çıkarmak ve geliştirmek için neler yapabileceğimizi belirlemek amacıyla yapılan bir toplantıdır. 


Burada Valiliğimiz, Üniversitemiz, Amasra Kaymakamlığımız, Amasra Belediyemiz, diğer kardeş kuruluşlar ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarımızın temsilcileri var. Konunun en iyi bilenleri tarafından konuyu etraflıca görüşüp tartışmak için bu toplantı tertip edildi. Amasra, bizim tarihi bir öneme sahip turizm değerimizdir. Bundan dolayıdır ki Kültür Mirası Geçici Listesine girmiş bulunmaktadır. 

Amasra’yı asil listeye dahil etmek için, yapmamız gereken bir strateji belirleyip, belirlediğimiz bu strateji çerçevesinde hareket planları oluşturmaktır. Böylece kurumsal olarak her kurum ne yapacağını, fertler olarak ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarımızın ne yapacağını belirlemiş olacağız.Bu yol haritasıyla yolumuza devam etmemiz gerekiyor” dedi. 

Toplantıda belirtilen hususlar dikkate alınarak, her kurum ve kuruluşun yapacağı işleri belirleyen detaylı bir eylem planı hazırlanması kararlaştırıldı.

Monumental structure shown to be largest one in Middle East

KAYSERİ - Anadolu Agency

This year the Kültepe archaeological excavations have unearthed a large monument. The monument is believed to have been a government building, says the head of the excavations

The monumental structure is the largest building that has been found in Anatolia or the Middle East, according to the head of the Kültepe excavations, Fikri Kulakoğlu. AA photo
The monumental structure is the largest building that has been found in Anatolia or the Middle East, according to the head of the Kültepe excavations, Fikri Kulakoğlu. AA photo
This year’s excavations at Kayseri’s ancient site of Kültepe, a center where the written history of Anatolia began, have unearthed a large monument. The ancient monument will now be carefully examined, said the head of the Kültepe excavations Fikri Kulakoğlu.

He said the excavations had been conducted in an area dating back to 4,500 years ago and currently they were working on the monument.

The monument’s 75x60-meter-part has been unearthed, said Kulakoğlu. “This monumental structure is the largest building that has been found in the Anatolian and middle Eastern areas.”

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Archaeological excavations in Ilısu dam end as dam’s opening nears

SİİRT - Anadolu Agency

Exploration into the antiquity of Siirt’s Cattepe village in Turkey’s southeast have provided for valuable glimpses into the area’s colorful historical fabric, yet as part of the lead up to the opening of the Ilısu dam, where the archeological site is located, excavations have come to an end.

The last border castle of the late Roman era in the east could remain under water next year when the dam opens, according to officials. AA Photo
The last border castle of the late Roman era in the east could remain under water next year when the dam opens, according to officials. AA Photo
Excavations of an archaeological site located on the Ilısu dam construction site have ceased after four years of continuous efforts to unearth items significant to antiquity of the surrounding region, the closure coming in preparation for the official opening of the dam next year. A castle and a port that were deemed to have been built in the late Roman era were uncovered in the excavation, which were carried out in the southeastern province of Siirt’s Çattepe village, under the leadership of Ege University Faculty member, Ass. Prof. Haluk Sağlamtimur.

Artifacts found in the castle and port have been placed on display at museums in Mardin, Diyarbakır and Batman.

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dimanche 24 novembre 2013

Hayal'de öğrencili öğretmenli konser

Şebnem Ferah'ın bas gitaristi Buket Doran, HomeStudio'daki öğrencileriyle birlikte 24 Kasım Pazar akşamı Hayal Kahvesi Beyoğlu'nda sahneye çıkacak.

Hayal'de öğrencili öğretmenli konser

Şebnem Ferah'ın grubundan da tanıdığımız Türk rock müziğinin kadın bas gitaristlerinden Buket Doran ve öğrencileri pazar akşamı  Beyoğlu Hayal Kahvesi'nde sahne alıyor. Doran, 2005 yılında başladığı müzik eğitmenliği çalışmalarını kurumsallaştırarak 2012 yılında HomeStudio'yu kurdu. Kadıköy'de çalışmalarını sürdüren HomeStudio her yaştan amatör ve profesyonel katılımcının faydalanabileceği bir müzik atölyesi. Stüdyo öğrencilerinden ve eğitmenlerinden oluşan grupların sahne alacağı konserde, lösemi hastası Zehra'ya yardım için düzenledikleri konserle adını duyuran II Yaka'nın yanı sıra Pis-tone, Clishe, 3 oda 1 salon, Pick Guard, Hi-Hat, Jack, Mic Stand, Floor Tom ve Synth yer alıyor. Ücretsiz gerçekleşecek konser yarın 20.30'da başlayacak.