vendredi 16 décembre 2016

‘My Father’s Wings’: Film takes haunting look at working class

Through its heart-breaking story and beautiful cinematography, the multiple-award winner and debut feature of Kıvanç Sezer, “Babamın Kanatları” (My Father’s Wings), lays bare the conditions of the so-called “new Turkey,” as the leading Justice and Development Party (AKP) has dubbed its achievements over the past decade.

The luxurious high rises sprawling across big cities around Turkey are juxtaposed against the poor conditions of the construction workers who build them in Sezer’s film. At the center of the story is İbrahim, played by veteran actor Menderes Samancılar, who won two awards at the Antalya and Adana film festivals for his role in the film.

İbrahim is a seasoned construction worker who has left his family in the eastern city of Van to work in Istanbul in the hopes of buying a house to secure the future of his family. We soon learn that İbrahim and his family lost their house in the 2011 Van earthquake that claimed the lives of more than 600 people and rendered thousands more homeless.

jeudi 15 décembre 2016

Göbeklitepe to soon enter UNESCO list

The ancient site of Göbeklitepe, one of the world’s most important archaeological sites boasting a history of 12,000 years, is set to soon graduate from UNESCO’s tentative list of World Heritage Sites to the permanent list.

Located in Örencik, 18 kilometers from the center of the southeastern province of Şanlıurfa, Göbeklitepe was first discovered in 1963 during surface surveys carried out by researchers from the universities of Istanbul and Chicago.

Since 1995, the Şanlıurfa Museum and the German Archaeology Institute have been collaborating on the excavations.

Researchers have discovered 3- to 6-meter-long T-shaped steles weighing between 40 and 60 tons, the ruins of the world’s oldest temple, a large number of wild animal figures, human sculptures and a nearly 65-centimeter-long human sculpture from 12,000 years ago.

Many organizations, including the Culture and Tourism Ministry, have been conducting various projects for the promotion of Göbeklitepe.

mercredi 14 décembre 2016

Centuries-old inscription unearthed in church in Turkey's Elazığ

Excavation works being conducted on the Kızıl Church, also known as the Virgin Mary Church, have unearthed a 165-year-old inscription.

According to information released by Elazığ Municipality, continuing surveying and resto-ration project works on the 19th-century Kızıl Church have unearthed an Armenian inscrip-tion dating back to 1851 that measures 80 by 53 centimeters.

Specialists are attempting to decipher the inscription, which will be taken under protec-tion at the Elazığ Museum before being placed back in the church after its restoration, the statement said.

The excavation works have also unearthed pillars, column bases, entrance gates, vaults and a number of decorative elements.

With the restoration work, the site’s historical structure will be revived and become a tourist attraction at the historical site of Harput north of Elazığ’s center, the statement said.

mardi 13 décembre 2016

Le tombeau secret de Gengis Khan



Grâce aux technologies modernes, l'explorateur et ingénieur américain lbert Yu-Min Lin va tenter de résoudre un mystère vieux de 800 ans. En effet, jamais le tombeau de Gengis Khan n'a encore pu être localisé. Epaulé par une équipe d'archéologues et de scientifiques internationaux, il va essayer de convaincre les autorités de Mongolie de le laisser prospecter dans une zone interdite située à plusieurs centaines de kilomètres au nord-ouest de la capitale Oulan-Bator. Il lui faut également se montrer rassurant vis à vis de la population locale qui renâcle à voir des individus s'approprier leur patrimoine national. De plus, une légende prédit la fin du monde si une seule pierre du mausolée secret venait à être déplacée.


  • Tony Gerber / Réalisateur

Deciphering Iran’s ancient rock art

AFP photo
An Iranian archaeologist has spent years in an almost single-handed quest across the country’s hills and desert plains to uncover ancient rock art that could be among the oldest in the world.

Now he hopes that renewed ties with the West after years of international isolation could help decipher its mysteries.

Despite its rough beauty, it is hard to imagine that the desolate, rock-strewn landscape outside the town of Khomein in central Iran conceals any treasures. But Dr. Mohammed Naserifard scrambles up a hillside, and waits eagerly at the top, his walking stick pointing out the long curled horns of a 4,000-year-old ibex deer scratched into a flat stone.

MIGRANTS – TV5MONDE et Langues Plurielles s’associent pour leur apprendre le français

TV5MONDE et langues Plurielles présentent « Ici, ensemble », un dispositif pédagogique unique en son genre destiné aux formateurs de terrain, bénévoles et professionnels, qui accueillent et accompagnent les adultes migrants primo-arrivants.
Apprendre le français : une nécessité
« Ici, ensemble » se présente sous la forme de 20 dossiers pédagogiques qui aideront à l’enseignement de la langue française tout en sensibilisant à des valeurs civiques. Les thématiques abordées par la collection répondent aux priorités des adultes migrants primo-arrivants : le logement, le travail, la santé, les transports, l’éducation, la famille etc. A travers des mises en situation, les apprenants se familiarisent avec les usages sociaux du pays d’accueil, découvrent son système administratif et scolaire, s’initient à ses pratiques culturelles et se préparent à intégrer le milieu professionnel.