Une fois de plus les bénévoles du LIONS CLUB INTERNATIONAL vont se mobiliser un peu partout en France pour des animations dans le cadre du TELETHON. Pour quoi ? pour recueillir des fonds pour aider la recherche sur les maladies rares;
Une fois de plus le LIONS CLUB DE SAINT GERMAIN EN LAYE CHATEAU répondra présent au standard de Velizy de 20h30 à 00h30. Ce standard est énorme et nous sommes plusieurs centaines venus de divers clubs de la région parisienne à vous répondre, à vous écouter souvent car ceux qui donnent ont souvent perdu un proche, d'une maladie que l'on ne savait pas soigner. Leurs témoignages nous font de la peine mais c'est aussi ce qui nous poussent, année après année, à aller à Vélizy vous répondre.
ET N'OUBLIEZ PAS: votre don est fiscalement déductible: un don de 75 € ne vous coûtera réellement que ........25.50 €
Demain soir nous sommes au standard, nous vous attendons.
Notre objectif est de réunir les cultures turques, Moyen-orientales et françaises pour une meilleure connaissance entre nos peuples, une coopération, une amitié durable.
vendredi 2 décembre 2016
L’archéologie en Palestine : une archéologie de sauvetage ?
À Rujm Jerida, le sol de mosaïque, complet lors de la fouille, perd peu à peu ses tesselles. Photographie : Margaux Thuillier.
Les observations tirées des prospections conduites dans le cadre de nos recherches doctorales au sein de l’Ifpo nous ont permis d’établir un constat sans appel : le pillage et la destruction de nombreux sites archéologiques qui étaient, il y a trente ans, en bien meilleur état de conservation qu’aujourd’hui. Ces sites ont subi les effets conjugués de l’installation des colonies israéliennes et des aménagements urbains palestiniens.
Un état des lieux alarmant
Ahmed Rjoob, directeur du Département pour la valorisation des sites du ministère des Antiquités et du Tourisme palestinien, nous a guidé à travers l’un des plus remarquables sites de la région d’Hébron :
À Rujm Jerida, le sol de mosaïque, complet lors de la fouille, perd peu à peu ses tesselles. Photographie : Margaux Thuillier.
Libellés :
archeologie en palestine,
jeudi 1 décembre 2016
Ancient cistern found under barn in Turkey's Mardin
MARDİN – Anadolu AgencyExcavations in the southeastern province of Mardin’s ancient city of Dara have unearthed a 6th century cistern. The Roman-era cistern was found in a field used as a barn.
Nihat Erdoğan, the director of the Mardin Museum, said excavation works have been ongoing in the 3,000-year-old ancient city of Dara, located on the road to Mardin’s Nusaybin district.
Erdoğan said the majority of the Roman city of Dara remained under village houses.
“As excavations continue in Dara, artifacts from the Roman and Persian eras come to light. The latest excavations discovered the Roman-era cistern, which is 18 meters in depth and 15 meters by width. This place was filled with earth that we later emptied. Its ruined ground has been restored as part of a project led by the cultural and natural heritage conservation board,” he added.
Nihat Erdoğan, the director of the Mardin Museum, said excavation works have been ongoing in the 3,000-year-old ancient city of Dara, located on the road to Mardin’s Nusaybin district.
Erdoğan said the majority of the Roman city of Dara remained under village houses.
“As excavations continue in Dara, artifacts from the Roman and Persian eras come to light. The latest excavations discovered the Roman-era cistern, which is 18 meters in depth and 15 meters by width. This place was filled with earth that we later emptied. Its ruined ground has been restored as part of a project led by the cultural and natural heritage conservation board,” he added.
mercredi 30 novembre 2016
‘Green haven’ in Black Sea opening to mass housing
The Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOKİ) will construct Ottoman-style buildings in the highlands of the Black Sea provinces.
Illegal buildings in the areas will be demolished and TOKİ will construct arcaded buildings with lifts in their place, including in the famous Ayder Plateau, which is a protected area. The construction process is due to start in spring 2017.
TOKİ will work with three ministries in order to transform the highland areas. As part of the transformation project in Rize’s Ayder Plateau, two-storied houses will be built as well as lifts.
mardi 29 novembre 2016
iReMMO le 3 décembre: de Saladin à la fin de l'Empire ottoman
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Libellés :
Adeline Rucquoi,
Empire Ottoman,
François Georgeon,
Arslantepe, cradle of civilizations in Anatolia
Reflecting the rich culture of Anatolia, the Arslantepe Mound in the eastern province of Malatya is shedding light on history thanks to its adobe palace with colorful figures on its walls, a 5,500-year-old temple and many artifacts such as ancient swords and spears.
Located seven kilometers from the center of Malatya, Arslantepe is one of the historical Anatolian structures that sheltered human beings for centuries thanks to its high agricultural potential, wetlands and geography that helped prevent river floods.
The ancient mound is home to the traces of many civilizations from the Hittites to the Romans and the Byzantines, as well as finds between the Late Chalcolithic Era in 5000 B.C. and the Iron Age.
Excavation works on the mound have unearthed lion statues and an overturned king sculpture. The adobe palace, which has infrastructure to drain rainwater, reveals the structure of the first city state in the area, while the colorful figures and engraved reliefs on the wall show the traces of an early state system at Arslantepe. There are also a number of artifacts similar to those in Mesopotamia unearthed during excavations on the mound.
The finds at the mound include metal artifacts such as silver, gold, copper and lead, as well as 12 spears and nine swords, providing some of the earliest examples of weapons.
Ivory plaque unearthed in this year’s excavations
Archaeological excavations in the mound were first started in the 1930s by a Frenchteam. Currently, works are being carried out by an Italian team headed by Rome La Sapienza University Professor Marcella Frangipane.
This year, works continued on two different parts of the mound and unearthed juniper wood pieces, small temples and storages, as well as very large city walls in the northeastern section.
The four-meter-high and five-meter-thick walls used a foundation made from rubble, according to the excavation team, which also unearthed the remains of a rubble terrace.
The team also discovered finds and ceramics from the Iron Age as well as an ivory plaque with animal figures on it. The Mesopotamia-style plaque could shed light on commercial trade between Mesopotamia and Anatolia.
Important finds
Stating that important finds had been unearthed in excavations at Arslantepe, Battalgazi Mayor Selahattin Gürkan said the finds and the palace revealed the facts about the first settled state life in the history of human beings, as well as the transition from the Neolithic to the Iron Age.
Gürkan said Arslantepe had a history of more than 7,000 years. “In previous years, adobe walls and the sections of the palace were unearthed. This year special drawings and reliefs were found. This is the center of civilizations that makes Anatolia unique. Finds here are very important for the history of human beings. As the municipality, we are carrying out works with the excavation team here so that Arslantepe enters the World Heritage List.”
The ancient mound is home to the traces of many civilizations from the Hittites to the Romans and the Byzantines, as well as finds between the Late Chalcolithic Era in 5000 B.C. and the Iron Age.
Excavation works on the mound have unearthed lion statues and an overturned king sculpture. The adobe palace, which has infrastructure to drain rainwater, reveals the structure of the first city state in the area, while the colorful figures and engraved reliefs on the wall show the traces of an early state system at Arslantepe. There are also a number of artifacts similar to those in Mesopotamia unearthed during excavations on the mound.
The finds at the mound include metal artifacts such as silver, gold, copper and lead, as well as 12 spears and nine swords, providing some of the earliest examples of weapons.
Ivory plaque unearthed in this year’s excavations
Archaeological excavations in the mound were first started in the 1930s by a Frenchteam. Currently, works are being carried out by an Italian team headed by Rome La Sapienza University Professor Marcella Frangipane.
This year, works continued on two different parts of the mound and unearthed juniper wood pieces, small temples and storages, as well as very large city walls in the northeastern section.
The four-meter-high and five-meter-thick walls used a foundation made from rubble, according to the excavation team, which also unearthed the remains of a rubble terrace.
The team also discovered finds and ceramics from the Iron Age as well as an ivory plaque with animal figures on it. The Mesopotamia-style plaque could shed light on commercial trade between Mesopotamia and Anatolia.
Important finds
Stating that important finds had been unearthed in excavations at Arslantepe, Battalgazi Mayor Selahattin Gürkan said the finds and the palace revealed the facts about the first settled state life in the history of human beings, as well as the transition from the Neolithic to the Iron Age.
Gürkan said Arslantepe had a history of more than 7,000 years. “In previous years, adobe walls and the sections of the palace were unearthed. This year special drawings and reliefs were found. This is the center of civilizations that makes Anatolia unique. Finds here are very important for the history of human beings. As the municipality, we are carrying out works with the excavation team here so that Arslantepe enters the World Heritage List.”
Libellés :
lundi 28 novembre 2016
Turkish film gets three awards at APSA
Turkish director Mustafa Kara’s “Kalandar Soğuğu” (Cold of Kalandar) won the Best Film, Best Cinematography and Young Cinema Success awards at the 10th Asia-Pacific Screen Awards (APSA) in Brisbane on Nov. 24.
From a production pool that stretches from Egypt in the west to the Cook Islands in the east, and from Russia in the north to New Zealand in the south, 39 films from 19 Asia-Pacific countries and areas were nominated.
Kara’s second feature film and Turkey’s official submission for the 89th Academy Awards, “Cold of Kalandar” is a northern Turkish tale about a family living in the mountains of the Black Sea region and ultimately celebrates the irrepressibility of the human spirit in the face of hardship.
Written by Kara and Bilal Sert, the drama pictures the naive portrait of a touching life, and the struggle and the relationship between nature, animals and humans.
November/27/2016 HDN
Libellés :
“Kalandar Soğuğu” Cold of Kalandar,
Mustafa Kara
Madame Tussauds to open in Istanbul
The world’s most famous wax museum, Madame Tussauds, is set to open a branch on Istanbul’s İstiklal Avenue on Nov. 28.
At a press conference before the official opening, Sarper Hilmi Suner, the General Director of Legoland Discovery Center and Madame Tussauds in Istanbul, said the museum featured wax figures with a history going back 250 years.
“Merlin Entertainment Group operates the world’s largest entertainment center, and we made three big investments in the last three years; the Sea Life Aquarium, Legoland Discovery Center and now the Madame Tussauds in Istanbul,” Suner said.
“Before bringing it to Turkey, we asked people ‘Which artists do you want to see the most? Which figure would make you the happiest?’ Then we examined the answers carefully. Finally we drew up a list and later got in touch with the famous figures who were still alive, and the heirs or relatives of those who have passed away. After that we got to work,” he added.
dimanche 27 novembre 2016
En Israël, le courageux combat d'une femme en instance de divorce contre le pouvoir patriarcal et religieux... Après "Prendre femme" et "Les sept jours", ce film clôt avec force la trilogie réalisée par Ronit Elkabetz et son frère Shlomi autour de la condition de la femme en Israël. Il s'agit aussi de l’ultime rôle de la vibrante Ronit Elkabetz, disparue en avril dernier.
Viviane, quadragénaire israélienne, veut divorcer d'Elisha, avec qui elle est mariée depuis plus de trois décennies. Elle a quitté le domicile conjugal mais n'est pas libre pour autant. Elisha refuse obstinément le divorce, et en Israël, seul le consentement des deux époux peut permettre à la séparation d'être prononcée. Très déterminée, Viviane doit se battre aussi contre les juges rabbiniques, seuls habilités à marier les Israéliens – et à les séparer. De reports d'audience en défections de son époux, les années passent et Viviane Amsalem ne parvient pas à se faire entendre. Elle est même obligée de réintégrer le foyer conjugal…
Sous le contrôle de Dieu
Après Prendre femme (2004) et Les sept jours (2008), Le procès de Viviane Amsalem clôt avec force la trilogie réalisée par Ronit Elkabetz et son frère Shlomi autour de la condition de la femme en Israël. Viviane Amsalem devient l'archétype de l'épouse contrainte par les règles sociales et religieuses édictées par les hommes. Son désir de liberté mais aussi sa sensualité latente se heurtent inlassablement aux codes d'un pays patriarcal où les lois casher régulent jusqu'à l'intimité des femmes. Pour symboliser l'enfermement de leur héroïne, les deux réalisateurs composent, entre les murs de la salle d'audience, un huis-clos hypnotique, dont les personnages, filmés en caméra subjective, ne semblent pouvoir s'échapper. Le film marque la dernière apparition au cinéma de Ronit Elkabetz, disparue en avril dernier. Sa puissante composition d'une Viviane Amsalem en colère face à l'arbitraire des lois restera dans les mémoires.
Libellés :
condition féminine,
Ronit Elkabetz
A ne pas rater cette semaine sur nos chaînes télé: WINTER SLEEP
lundi 20h50 sur ARTE
Aydin, comédien à la retraite, tient un petit hôtel en Anatolie centrale avec sa jeune épouse Nihal, dont il s’est éloigné sentimentalement, et sa sœur Necla qui souffre encore de son récent divorce. En hiver, à mesure que la neige recouvre la steppe, l’hôtel devient leur refuge mais aussi le théâtre de leurs déchirements...
Titre original Kis Uykusu
Réalisateur: Nuri Bilge Ceylan
SORTIE du film "ABLUKA" de Emin ALPER
Istanbul dans un futur proche : Kadir purge une peine de 20 ans de prison et se voit proposer une libération anticipée. En échange, il s’engage à aider la police dans sa traque contre le terrorisme et accepte d’être leur informateur.
Une fois dehors, il reprend contact avec son petit frère Ahmet, chargé par la mairie d’abattre les chiens errants de la ville. Mais entre chaos politique et obsession paranoïaque, la violence qui entoure les deux frères et la pression des autorités les entraînent dans une spirale infernale.
Une fois dehors, il reprend contact avec son petit frère Ahmet, chargé par la mairie d’abattre les chiens errants de la ville. Mais entre chaos politique et obsession paranoïaque, la violence qui entoure les deux frères et la pression des autorités les entraînent dans une spirale infernale.
Titre original Abluka
Par le réalisateur de "derrière la colline".
* cinéma LE LINCOLN
Par le réalisateur de "derrière la colline".
Après le magnifique Derrière la colline, le réalisateur turc revient avec un nouveau film sur le rapport à l’autre et la paranoïa, mais dans des tonalités bien plus sombres.
BANDE ANNONCE:http://www.allocine.fr/video/player_gen_cmedia=19564313&cfilm=239842.html
* cinéma LE LINCOLN
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