jeudi 30 janvier 2014

The Song of Nature theme of 42nd Istanbul Music Festival


Twenty-six concerts including orchestral concerts, chamber music, vocal concerts, and recitals within the festival program will take place in different venues in the city between May 31 and June 27.
Twenty-six concerts including orchestral concerts, chamber music, vocal concerts, and recitals within the festival program will take place in different venues in the city between May 31 and June 27.
The 42nd Istanbul Music Festival, organized by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) under the sponsorship of Borusan Holding, will welcome music lovers with an impressive program this year. This year’s festival will be held between May 31 and June 27 with the theme of “The Song of Nature.”

CCelebrating Anatolian women's perseverence in new museum

İZMİR The Women’s Museum, which opened last week in İzmir’s Basmane is set to show the perseverance of Anatolian women of the past and present, using a variety of forms of media to paint a broad picture

The Woman’s Museum  includes a  total of 13 rooms with various purposes. Mayor Hakan Tartan (L) says their goal is to create a  venue unique to women in the museum.
The Woman’s Museum includes a total of 13 rooms with various purposes. Mayor Hakan Tartan (L) says their goal is to create a venue unique to women in the museum.
The fifth ring of İzmir’s Konak Municipality’s boutique hotel chain is a Woman’s Museum, which opened on Jan. 23. The purpose of the museum is to show the forgotten past and power of the Anatolian people to the world, reveal the creativity of Anatolian women, boost their self-confidence and to create a special venue for women. ...

mercredi 29 janvier 2014

Astronomy museum to take Anatolian province to stars

KIRŞEHİR - Anadolu Agency

The Cacabey Madrasah will become the Open Air Astronomy Museum. AA photo
The Cacabey Madrasah will become the Open Air Astronomy Museum. AA photo
The Central Anatolian province of Kırşehir will soon be home to an astronomy museum sited on an ancient madrasah built over 700 years ago.

Kırşehir Mayor Yaşar Bahçeci said the Cacabey Madrasah was one of the most important tourist sites in the city and that the Open Air Astronomy Museum would be established as part of a project to rearrange Cacabey Square.

“The Cacabey Madrasah is one of the important structures in the country. Our ancestors established an astronomical university in 1272 in the Seljuk era to observe space. We have arranged the square here and the museum is a part of it.”

Bahçeci said the madrasah, which served as a mosque, would display the prototypes of tools used in that era.

“We will display 20 tools invented and used by scientists from the Turkish Islamic civilization. All these objects are in the Turkish and Islamic Civilizations Museum in Istanbul’s Gülhane. We have 20 of them. They will have Turkish, English and Japanese explanations,” he said, adding that the works of nearly 800 years would be shown in the museum.

Preparations for the museum are set to be finished by the end of the year.

İnsan yüzü figürlü mozaik bulundu

İnsan yüzü figürlü mozaik bulundu

İznik'te kanalizasyon kazısı yapılırken Doğu Roma döneminden ait eser bulundu.

  Beyler Mahallesi Afyon Sultan Sokağı'nda kanalizasyon kazısı yapan ekipler, iki metre derinlikte bir cisme rastladı. Bunun bir tarihi eser olduğunu fark eden görevliler, İznik Müze Müdürlüğü yetkililerine haber verdi.
Müze yetkilileri tarafından gerçekleştirilen incelemede, Doğu Roma döneminden kaldığı sanılan cismin, insan yüzü figürlü taban mozaiği olduğu tespit edildi.
Polis ile müze ekipleri tarafından koruma altına alınan mozaiğin çevresinde genişletme çalışması yapılacağı ve böylece hem büyüklüğünün hem de bir eve mi yoksa mabede mi ait olduğunun belirleneceği öğrenildi.

mardi 28 janvier 2014

Remains of Byzantine basilica discovered at the bottom of Lake İznik

BURSA – Doğan News Agency

The foundations of the church are currently lying in water about 1.5 to two meters deep. It is estimated that the structure collapsed in an earthquake. DHA photo
The foundations of the church are currently lying in water about 1.5 to two meters deep. It is estimated that the structure collapsed in an earthquake. DHA photo
The remains of an ancient basilica have been discovered about 20 meters from shore in Bursa’s Lake İznik, according to local archaeologists.

“We have found church remains. It is in a basilica plan and has three naves,” said Mustafa Şahin, an archaeology professor at Bursa Uludağ University.

The foundations of the church are currently lying in water that is about 1.5 to two meters deep.

“This church’s remains are similar to the Hagia Sophia in İznik. This is why we estimated that it was built in the fifth century A.D.,” said Şahin.

He said the structure was discovered while photographing the city from the air to make an inventory of historical and cultural artifacts.

After the discovery, the university informed the İznik Museum Directorate and the Culture and Tourism Ministry, asking that the archaeological site be protected, Şahin said.

There are many rough stones at the site, he said. “This shows that that the structure collapsed. İznik has gone through many earthquakes that destroyed such structures. The best known is the one that occurred in 740 A.D. Our first observations show that the structure collapsed in this earthquake and that the coastal side was submerged. The church was subsequently not rebuilt.”

January/28/2014  hürriyet daily news

Yerli yapımlar 24 yıldır zirveyi bırakmıyor

En çok izlenen filmler arasında yerli yapımlar açık ara önde gidiyor.

Yerli yapımlar 24 yıldır zirveyi bırakmıyor                             
Box Office Türkiye'den derlenen bilgilere göre, 1989'dan bugüne en çok izlenen filmler arasında yerli yapımlar açık ara önde gidiyor. Milyon dolarlık bütçeleri ve dünya çapındaki oyunculara sahip yabancı filmlere karşın sınırlı imkanlar çekilen yerli yapımlar, diğer ülkelerin aksine Türkiye'de izleyiciyi daha çok sinemaya çekmeyi başardı.

lundi 27 janvier 2014

symposium franco-turc sur la santé au parlement européen

Türk-Fransız Sağlık Vakfı'nın, Avrupa Parlamentosu'nda, 12 Şubat 2014 Çarşamba günü, saat 14:00 - 17:00 arasında düzenlediği, "Fransa ve Avrupa ülkelerinde Sağlık Sistemi" konulu Sempozyum'un ilk Programı ektedir.

Sempozyum'a katılmak isteyenlerin, en geç 29 Ocak Çarşamba gününe kadar, isim, soyisim, adres, dogum tarihi ve kimlik numaralarini, adresine göndermeleri gerekmektedir. 

TFSV Yönetimi

EXPO CEBOS "la vie en noir et blanc" Mairie du 18eme

La Mairie du 18ème Arrondissement et 5 Mondes Management présentent 


du 27 au 31 janvier 2014 
entrée libre

vernissage le mercredi 29 janvier à 18 h

Mairie du 18ème arrondissement 
1 place Jules Joffrin 75018 Paris 

A travers une série de photos, le jeune photographe franco-turc CEBOS vous montre Paris comme vous ne l'avez jamais vu. Un Paris de la nuit dans un noir et blanc somptueux qui rend rues, bâtiments, monuments fantasmagoriques, poétiques et imaginaires. A travers ses promenades nocturnes son regard sur la capitale en révèle ses mystères. 

Mais il s'intéresse également à l'envers du décor à tous ces inconnus qui font partie de nos paysages urbains. "Les invisibles" ou ceux qu'on fait semblant de ne pas voir, les SDF, les déracinés de la vie. Sans voyeurisme, sans misérabilisme il a su capter leur détresse. Images belles sur les naufragés de notre société. Ici le regard du jeune photographe se veut engagé car il vaut tous les discours. 

CEBOS, à peine âgé de 23 ans, est un photographe dont le talent en fait un observateur talentueux de notre temps. D'autres expositions sont à venir dont nous vous informerons. Il s'agit là de sa première exposition publique.

Cette exposition organisée dans le cadre de la semaine "De l'ombre à la lumière" est couplée avec la projection du film "DU MAFE A LA FOURCHETTE" les 29 et 31 Janvier à 19 h 30 sur inscription. 

Bu sergiyi eve götürebilirsiniz

Bu sergiyi eve götürebilirsiniz

26/01/2014 02:00 1996'da Darphane-i Amire'de açılan 'Dünya Kenti İstanbul' isimli sergi, hem bir muhasebe, hem bir nostaljiyle 18 yıl sonra Galata Rum Okulu'nda. 'Kent müzesi hayali' de sergiden sonra evlere dağılacak. Şöyle... Haber: PINAR ÖĞÜNÇ - / Arşivi
Dışarıdan ara ara tramvayın düdüğü geliyor. Tatlı sayılabilecek bir kent mırıltısı. Sonra bir arabanın burnu öndekinin tamponuna değiyor galiba, sesleri duyuyorum, analı avratlı balonlar yükseliyor içeri kadar. Muhtemelen çok yakındaki bir binadan inşaat gürültüsü var sonra. Kılık değiştiren Galata eteklerinde kim bilir hangi eski apartman bir rezidansa, bir butik otele dönüşüyor matkaplanarak dört bir yanından. Karaköy’deki bu geçen yüzyıl binasının, Galata Rum Okulu’nun içinde gezerken, tüm bunların üzerine üst kattaki bir sınıfın aralık kapısı gıcırdıyor. Bir yer, bir yer daha açık kalmış sanki, cereyan yapıyor, usul usul, hiç erinmeden gacırdıyor....

Prisoners working on excavations of ancient city’s mosaics in Black Sea region

KARABÜK - Anadolu Agency

Ten prisoners come to the the ancient city every day for helping the excavations. AA photo
Ten prisoners come to the the ancient city every day for helping the excavations. AA photo
Prisoners in the Black Sea province of Karabük’s Eskipazar district are working on excavations at the ancient city of Hadrinaupolis, which is known as the “Zeugma of the Black Sea” thanks to its mosaics.

As part of a protocol signed between the Eskipazar District Governor’s Office and the Eskipazar Penal Institution, 10 prisoners, who come to the ancient city every morning under the escort of two guards, conduct excavations during business hours to earn money. The head of the excavations is Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs University Archaeology Department Professor Vedat Keleş.

Archaeologist Ersin Çelikbaş said they were very pleased with the prisoners. “Ten prisoners are working here every day. Now they are working to close the roof of the Church B. The church, which dates back to the early Byzantine era, should be protected. It is home very precious mosaics. We are pleased with them and they are also pleased to be working for us.”

The ancient city is expected to become a Christian pilgrimage center when the work is done.
January/25/2014 Hüüriyet daily  news

Tayfun Pirselimoğlu’s movie screened at Rotterdam Festival

ROTTERDAM - Anadolu Agency

‘I am Not Him’ by Tayfun Pirselimoğlu is shown at the Rotterdam Festival.
‘I am Not Him’ by Tayfun Pirselimoğlu is shown at the Rotterdam Festival.
The 43rd International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR), one of the biggest public film festivals in the world, opened in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on Jan. 22, with a screening of the Indian-made film “Qissa.”

Turkish film “Ben O Değilim” (I’m Not Him), written and directed by Tayfun Pirselimoğlu, will be shown at the festival with 253 other full-length and 261 short-length films from 50 countries across the world. The festival will also witness the world premieres of 55 films. Pirselimoğlu’s film follows a lonely 50-year-old dishwasher as he starts an affair with a mysterious co-worker, and then slowly takes on the identity of her imprisoned husband. Gradually, a threatening game of confusing doppelgangers unfolds.

Fifteen feature films will also compete for the prestigious “Hivos Tiger Awards” at the festival, with the announcement and award ceremony set to take place on Jan. 31. The festival will continue until Feb. 2.

dimanche 26 janvier 2014

Heykellere nano teknolojili koruma

Nemrut'taki heykeller nano teknolojiyle koruma altına alındı.

Heykellere nano teknolojili koruma
UNESCO’nun Dünya Kültür Mirası Listesi’nde yer alan Nemrut Dağı'da bulunan heykellere nano teknolojiyle üretilen bezler giydirilerek koruma altına alınıyor.
Her yıl binlerce yerli ve yabancı turist tarafından ziyaret edilen Nemrut Dağı, dünyada güneşin doğuşunun ve batışının en güzel izlendiği yer olarak bilinmekte. Ortadoğu Üniversitesi ile Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı yapılan protokolle tarihi heykellerin korunması çalışması başlatılmıştı. Buzlanmaya karşı iki heykele nano teknolojili bezlerden giydirilerek korunma altına alındı.
2006 yılından 2009 yılına kadar heykellerin korunması konusunda çalışma yaptıklarını söyleyen Kültür ve Turizm İl Müdürü Mustafa Ekinci, yaptığı açıklamada, kış aylarının ağır koşullarının heykellere zarar vermemesi için heykelleri nano teknlojili bez örtülerle koruma altına aldıklarını söyledi.
Heykellerde meydana gelen çatlamalara ve soğuk nedeniyle buzlaşmalardan zarar gördüğünü anlatan Ekinci, "Heykellerin çatlaklarına su ve nem girdiği zaman aşırı soğuklarda çatlaklardaki nem buzlaşıyor ve heykellerdeki kil zerreciklerinin kristalleşmesi sonucu o kılcal çatlaklar ya daha büyüyordu ya da başka çatlakların ortaya çıkmasına sebep oluyordu. Bu çatlakların önüne geçmek amacıyla bu nano teknoloji örtüler tercih edildi" dedi.
Nano teknolojili bezlerin dışardaki suyu içeri sızdırmadığını ve içerideki sıcaklığı dengelediğini vurgulayan Ekinci, şöyle konuştu: "Örtülerin en büyük özelliği de nefes alıp verme özelikleri var yani içerideki nemi dışarı verme ve dışarıdaki ıslaklığı içeri vermeme özelliği bulunuyor. Dolayısıyla ısı farkını minimize ettiğinden dolayı, yağmur ve kar suları heykellerin içerine girmesini engelleyerek yeni çatlakların oluşmasının önüne geçiyoruz. Böylelikle heykellerin uzun ömürlü olmasını sağlıyoruz. Bu çalışmamız bir denemeydi daha önce de yapıldı. Denemelerin sonucunda olumlu sonuçlar alındı. Nemrut dağında yapılacak restorasyondan sonra da bu uygulama bütün heykeller için yapılacak."

La nuit internationale R4bia à Istanbul


Lors de la représentation "Chante pour l'Egypte, Rencontre pour R4bia", 24 artistes dont l'artiste Rachid Gholam du Maroc, le groupe Native Deen des Etats-Unis, l'artiste Zeyin Bika de l'Afrique du Sud, Yahya Havva et Musa Mustapha de la Syrie, Ibrahim ad-Derdeshavi, Halit Alsharif et Abdulfettah Uveynat de Jordanie, Islam Chukri d'Espagne, Ahmed Hajry du Koweït, Abdurrahman Buhabile d'Algérie, Mehmet Ali Arslan de Turquie, Vicdan Abdulbedi al-Arabi et Hamid Musa de l'Egypte, ainsi que Ramli Sharip et Mu'adz Dzulkefly de Malaisie ont interprété différentes œuvres.
Par la suite les artistes ont chanté tous ensemble la chanson "Présence de Rabia" contenant des messages anti-putschistes et de liberté.
Plusieurs personnes ont assisté à la nuit où les noms de certaines victimes ayant perdu la vie en Egypte ont été lus. 

Anatolia ‘before the nation’

William Armstrong - - Hürriyet daily news

‘Before the Nation: Muslim-Christian Coexistence and its Destruction in Late-Ottoman Anatolia’ by Nicholas Doumanis  (Oxford University Press, $65, 272 pages)

People love to be nostalgic about the halcyon age of Ottoman coexistence. Referring misty eyed to the long-lost time of inter-communal harmony has become one of the clichés of writing about the region once ruled by the Ottomans. Nicholas Doumanis’ “Before the Nation” takes as its bedrock the Archive of Oral Tradition, a collection of thousands of interviews conducted from the 1930s to the early 70s with Greek refugees who left Asia Minor in the early years of the 20th century. The interviewees were hugely nostalgic for the religiously mixed life they left behind, and this nostalgia is shared by Doumanis, which accounts for both his book’s strength and its weakness.....

Picasso engravings to be exhibited at Istanbul's Pera Museum


The exhibition at Pera Museum will present viewers examples of Picasso’s various stylistic transitions.
The exhibition at Pera Museum will present viewers examples of Picasso’s various stylistic transitions.
Between Feb. 5 and April 20, Istanbul’s Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation at Pera Museum is set to host two international exhibitions. The works in “Picasso Engravings and Ceramics from the House of His Birth” are made up of works selected from the Museo Casa Natal Collection, from the house in which Picasso was born in Málaga, Spain.

The exhibition will present viewers examples of the artist’s various stylistic transitions. While the engravings, which reflect the unending quests of Picasso’s career, extend from realistic depictions of certain subjects to Cubist interpretations, they are also accompanied by his ceramics and personal objects.

The other exhibition at the foundation is “Contemporary Nordic Glass Art,” which will bring together works by leading artists of contemporary glass art from Nordic countries. The wide range of glass art examples to be displayed for the first time in Turkey are selected from the works of 25 globally renowned artists from Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland. The show will present viewers with unconventional artistic applications on glass, a material that holds a significant place in our daily lives but isn’t usually associated with artistic expression.    

Vision Cinéma 3000 en recherche de partenaires financier et professionnels

20/01/2014 - Association ANC actions sociales , ANC organisme social et humanitaire " parti politique intermédiaire"
Vision Cinéma 3000 en recherche de partenaires financier et professionnels pour financer des projets pour le cinéma 

Projet "Norbert et Tonia" tiré du roman 

lien web du scénario