Notre objectif est de réunir les cultures turques, Moyen-orientales et françaises pour une meilleure connaissance entre nos peuples, une coopération, une amitié durable.
mardi 2 décembre 2014
Turkey discriminates against Alevis over worship places, Euro court says in landmark ruling
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu speaks at a cemevi during his visit to Tunceli in late November. AA Photo
The Dec. 2 ruling comes after the Turkish government recently announced a fresh set of reforms aimed at answering the demands of Alevis. These reforms were greeted with considerable skepticism among Alevis, as they once again failed to recognize cemevis as official places of worship.
Turkey was sued at the ECHR by the Republican Education and Cultural Center Foundation – also known as the Cem Vakfı – which aims to publicize Alevi demands. The group claimed that the government’s policy of not paying the electricity bills of a cemevi in an Istanbul neighborhood, while doing so for mosques, churches and synagogues, was discriminatory.
The EHCR ruled in favor of the complainant, inviting the Turkish government to send a proposal regarding the cemevi in question.
One of the judges, meanwhile, called for the recognition of cemevis as a worship place with the same status as mosques or churches for a permanent solution.
“The question of the payment of electrical bills is closely linked to the fundamental question of the violation of state’s neutrality,” ECHR judge András Sajó said in his opinion regarding the case, which was included in the ruling.
“I therefore consider that the limited status conferred to cemevis by the [current] applicable legislation doesn’t allow the Alevi community to benefit … [from] their right to freedom of belief,” Sajó added.
Alevis, who are described as followers of the Caliph Ali, the nephew and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, conduct religious practices distinct from Turkey’s Sunnimajority.
In a recent trip to Tunceli (Dersim), an eastern Turkish province with a majority Alevipopulation, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu promised to stand strongly against discrimination toward the community and “personally follow” all acts of discrimination.
The Alevi community considers the lack of official status of cemevis as a fundamental issue, but the government has been reluctant to take steps on this question, despite a series of much-touted “Alevi openings.”
l'ebru inscrit par l'Unesco
Article à consulter sur d'İstanbul:
lundi 1 décembre 2014
7 février 2015: le théâtre pour les réfugiés syriens
connaissez l'action d'Annick LECLERC en faveur des réfugiés Syriens au
Proche-Orient : 16 conférences l'hiver dernier mais 7 dates seulement
retenues actuellement dans des lieux et institutions comme Municipalités
Musées Rotary Lions…
elle a sollicité le Nombre d'Or : excellente troupe d'acteurs bénévoles
quasi professionnels qui monte chaque année en janvier-février une
nouvelle pièce au profit d'Associations caritatives.
joueront donc aussi pour l’association AAVS qu'elle soutient (fondée en
2011 par des médecins syriens établis en France de longue date, elle
procure une aide médicale aux Syriens en souffrance).
entendu il incombe à chaque association bénéficiaire de ces soirées de
faire connaître auprès du plus vaste public possible l’existence de ce
programme théâtral…
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