A litography portrait of Atatürk that was made at the beginning of the 1900s, is the highlight of the auction.
Artworks from the
Ottoman Empire and
Europe will be put up for sale during the fourth auction to be organized by Çukurcuma Auction House. The auction will be held at Çırağan Palace and present silk carpets, Ottoman calligraphies and coaches. The most striking piece of the auction will be a lithography portrait of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. The portrait was made at the beginning of the 1900s when
Atatürk was a pasha at the time of Sultan Vahdettin. The portrait features Arabic writing that reads “the savior of the nation.”
Artworks are being collectedÇukurcuma Auction Culture and Art House founder Muzaffer Gültekin said they were continuing to collect artworks for the auction to be held in October. “The most important piece of the auction will be Atatürk’s portrait. We have already received great interest from collectors. Artwork that will be collected during this process will be put in the auction after examination by experts.”
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