mardi 18 février 2014

KEMALPAŞA: une zone archéologique céde la place à un entrepôt

Banu Sen  İZMİR - Hürriyet

Le site, un ete decrit Comme Le «Zeugma de l'Occident» by Les archéologues.  Hürriyet photo, Turan Gültekin

Le site Un Ete decrit Comme Le «Zeugma de l'Occident» Les archéologues nominale. Hürriyet photo, Turan Gültekin
Archaeological findings near the Kemalpaşa area in the Aegean province of İzmir will be removed to make way for a warehouse for the discount market chain BİM.

The site of the future warehouse was taken under protection by İzmir’s Cultural Heritage Protection Board after archeological remnants, including many mosaics, were found after construction started in 2012.

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